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I vigorously dab my powdered foundation over the dark purple spot laced with red, that Jane proudly left. Over the days I feel like it's gotten more visible but I have no idea if that's just me or my skin going through the process of returning to normal. I cover it until it's no longer showing and pull my hair down a little for extra coverage. Halloween weekend has passed and I'm ready to put it behind me similar to how my hickey hides behind the ten pounds of powder. I get my things for work and united with the 'New York hustle'. I get to work on time with an unusual burst of energy. I decide to put a smile on my face for once walking into the bar, garnering some looks from a few of the girls. I stuff my belongings into my locker and rush to the bar to put this surplus of energy to good use. Within two hours I'm strung out by the never-ending orders of drinks and as soon as I thought that I could slip away for two minutes, an older lady approaches the bar. I look over to Gorgi who seems pretty full on her end of the bar so I approach the woman to take her order then promise myself that I would head for a break after. 

The lady smiles at me as I ask for her order. She gently requests a Michelada, which is quite a spicy drink. From the looks of her, it seems like her kind of taste. Purple streaks gleam in her almost milk white hair and she's draped in a tapestry dress. Her tiny wrists are lined with gold bangles with chunky gold rings on most of her fingers to match. I quickly mix her drink and slide it over to her. I prepare myself for the 'thank you' she's about to say but instead she says 'hold on dear'

I immediately think I made a mistake with her drink but that thought quickly subsides as I realize that she hasn't taken a sip. 

So what does she want?

"Yes?" My response bears so many questions and I hope to God she doesn't answer because I really need to go on my break.  

"There's this gravitational pull I'm getting with you and I feel like I need to let you now this." Half of her body is almost over the counter as her winter grey eyes pierce way deeper than my soul. She's a bit creepy but let me stick around to hear what she's about to say. 

"What do you need to tell me? Are you some psychic?" I ask curiously. This is the only way I can make sense of this mess that's unfolding in front of me. Either way, I'm taking what she has to say with a grain of salt as physics and fortune tellers aren't my thing. 

"Place your palms in mine." She says gently. I extend my palms, and place them in her frail hands. Her thumbs runs over my palms repeatedly and I inhale deeply, unsure if I was nervous or just fed up. She starts humming and her brows inch down causing her forehead to wrinkle. Her eyes are now off in the distance and she nods periodically as if she's having a conversation with someone. Definitely a coco head on the loose. 

She bursts into a brilliant smile and lets go of my palms.

"You're going to be going through changes. Good changes but it may feel like a nightmare at first. There's someone there, the feeling is a bit hesitant but they'll come around. I'm sensing maybe a love interest because they'll be pleasing you a lot if you know what I mean." she goes into a cheeky giggling fit while I stand flabbergasted. This lady could just be making up this hubby bubba or she can be completely right. I can't help but think about Jane at the mention of a love interest. I wouldn't call it that exactly because he's more of a mouth sore. I decide to probe. 

"Do you have a name for that person?" 

"I can't say names but it feels like they're fighting. Almost like they don't want you but it's strange because they do. Their circumstance is getting in the way or could be ego. Anyways thank you for my drink. My advice is to just calm down and receive. That's the only way to receive your biggest blessings. Cheers." Before I can say another word the lady leaves a twenty dollar bill and walks away. I pick up the bill and place it in the register for her drink and noting down my tip. I rush away from the bar before any one interrupts my course. I really need my break. 

This lady has messed with my head. Now I'm inevitably going to be thinking about that stupid Jane. I can't keep denying that I feel something for him but it's so weird. I refuse to be the boss's pet. I make it to the break room and my phone starts vibrating. 

My mom. 

I leave the call to ring out. I'll call her back later. 

The thought of Thanksgiving comes to me and I remember that I need to book it off. I make my way towards Jane's office to discuss it with him. I totally could've done this at another time but there's a nagging feeling in me that just needs to see him. Even if it's going to be an argument. I knock gently on the door and enter once given permission to. 


"Hey." He doesn't look up at me. I don't say anything until his eyes find mine after 2 minutes of standing at the door. 

"Glad you can stomach the sight if me. I need to talk to you about something."

"Sure have a seat. If it's about the hickey, it's gone now so let's forget that ever happened." His eyes follow my frame as I take a seat. 

"It's not gone. I covered it with makeup. That's going to be hard to forget." I whisper my last sentence. 

"And why is that?" his eyebrow is raised. He's now interested in whatever I have to say next. 

"I'm a nineteen year old with raging hormones and no boyfriend. Getting a hickey is like a slice of heaven." I give my honest reason for what I said. Intimacy is foreign to me and I may be dumb for waiting on a relationship but I think it's much better then giving randoms access to me.

"I can make that two slices-"

I clear my throat loudly before he can finish his sentence. I'm not interested in his offer..... maybe I am but no. No. 

"I actually came to talk about Thanksgiving. I need the day off, it's really important to me."

"Fine but you'll have to make up those hours before or after the holiday. And don't let anyone know of this. I'm making an exception and don't want anyone up my ass about it." He awaits my word with his deadly stare. 

"No one will know. Thank you." I get up from the couch and he follows suit. 

"Don't go yet. Let me see your mark."

"What are you- oh the hickey. Why do you want to see it? I'm hiding it for a reason." 

"It reminds me of the taste of you." his voice is much lower and his gaze is clouded with lust. He gets from behind his desk and sits at the front edge. 

"What do I taste like?" I'm curious and probably turned on. This is borderline unprofessional but he started it and he's going to have to finish.

"Sweet." He's now grabbing the edge of his desk tightly. I know he feels the tension building between us, and I'm holding back as much as he is. Part of me is begging that he crosses the line and put his lips on my body again. This feeling should be illegal, wanting him should be illegal. 

"Mmm. I wonder what you taste like." After those words are said, I realize that I'm not making the situation better and should just leave. 

"Well, you've got my consent." He smirks. He's probably waiting for me to jump at the offer. I bring myself back to reality and out of this lust haze that I've managed to be trapped in with Jane. I'm not that feeble and I think he isn't getting that through his thick skull. 

"I didn't ask to touch you Jane. I really need to go." Without missing a beat, I exit the office before my morals vanished into thin air. Although, I can hold my own, I was so close to walking towards him and reenacting my very dreams of him. 

Yes, I've had a few dreams of Jane.... they've came on since that Halloween night. 

The weight of being in his presence lifts off my shoulders, causing me to crack a radiant smile. Satisfaction fills me at the thought of flying out and visiting my parents for Thanksgiving, in that same moment, the guilt of lying to them settles in my chest. 

I'm just going to have to pull this off. 

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