Something's going on (updated)

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" Is Midori-ko okay?" Goku asks Mr Popo as he exited Midori-ko's room.

" She has a high fever." Mr Popo tells him closing Midori-ko's door

" Oh no." Goku frowns "Is there anything I can do to help?" Goku asks

" Let her get some rest." Mr Popo tells him

"Okay." Goku bows his head before turning around

" Goku may I ask you something?" Mr Popo taps his shoulder

" What's up?" Goku looks back

" Is there something going on between you and Lady Midori-ko?" Mr Popo asks

" What do you mean?" Goku furrows his brow

"Well Lady Midori-ko is asleep from the medicine I gave her but she was mumbling your name." Mr Popo shares with Goku

" My name?" Goku felt a surge go through him making his tail twitch "Really?"

" My name?" Goku felt a surge go through him making his tail twitch "Really?"

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" Mr Popo would never lie to you Goku." Mr Popo tells him

" I don't know what to say." Goku says his heart racing

" Mr Popo fears that Lady Midori-ko has feelings for you." Mr Popo shares

" What kind of feelings?" Goku asks

" You know romantic feelings." Mr Popo explains

" What?" Goku blinks

" Romantic means oh how can I put this so you'll understand? It means you want to kiss someone Goku." Mr Popo sihs

" Wow" Goku gapes "I just I'm speechless." He smiles

" Goku oh my...Mr Popo may have said too much." Mr Popo puts his hands together

" Why? " Goku asks

"I don't want you to hurt her. Lady Midori-ko is going to be a very important, influential person some day and Mr Popo also considers Lady Midori-ko a friend...."" I would never hurt her I promise." Goku interrupted "If what you're saying is true than I couldn't be happier." Goku looks down bashfully

" I'm glad." Mr Popo smiles"Please do not share what I said."

" Yeah yeah." Goku waves his hand

" Please give Lady Midori-ko time to tell you herself." Mr Popo pleads

" Geez I get it." Goku rolls his eyes "Can I see her?" He asks

" I... sure just don't wake her up." Mr Popo nods

Not saying anything to Mr Popo Goku entered Midori-ko's room.
Midori-ko had since reverted back to her human form and was fast asleep just like Mr Popo said. Midori-ko was on her right side with the covers pulled up almost over her face and a tissue clutched in her hand. She was breathing through her mouth making her cheeks and lips flushed.
Her crimson hair was disheveled and falling out of it's typical braid.
Goku smiles brushing some hair off her forehead before giving her forehead a small kiss.

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