We have to be very careful

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Midori-ko rushed into the nearest bathroom.
She could hear Goku calling for her but Midori-ko couldn't wait anymore.
Her footsteps echoed as she found the first unused stall almost colliding with the stall door. The bathroom was deserted since everyone was outside watching the tournament.

Midori-ko tried to ignore the unclean smell from the toilet but her stomach lurched one last time before Midori-ko wretched emptying out what she had eaten that day.
Midori-ko dry heaved her body shaking.
Midori-ko sat on the bathroom floor for a minute those who said they felt better after vomiting were insane Midori-ko always felt like garbage after.

Midori-ko sat on the bathroom floor for a minute those who said they felt better after vomiting were insane Midori-ko always felt like garbage after

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Midori-ko's head felt heavy as she managed to go to the sink to wash her face and mouth.

"Look who it is."

Midori-ko jumped recognizing the voice as Chi-Chi the girl Goku had just rejected

"Who the hell do you think you are? " Chi-Chi strided towards Midori-ko her fists clenched

"Who wants to know?" Midori-ko asks washing her hands, the headache had gone from scratching to pounding

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"Who wants to know?" Midori-ko asks washing her hands, the headache had gone from scratching to pounding

"I do." Chi-Chi slaps her hand on the mirror in front of Midori-ko's face trying to intimate her.

"I don't see why that matters." Midori-ko rolls her eyes, she would have been more civil with Chi-Chi if her stomach and headache weren't battling

"Oh it matters." Chi-Chi draws closer to her

"I don't have to tell you anything." Midori-ko says pushing passed Chi-Chi going to the exit of the bathroom.
Midori-ko being a dragon was not allowed to hurt a human, she would just rather not fight Chi-Chi.

Midori-ko was unable to leave since Chi-Chi pulled Midori-ko's head back by her hair and she was whipped around and slapped across the face.
Midori-ko had to hold back. She could not harm a human. That offense was worse than her not marrying the dragon prince and marrying Goku instead.
Midori-ko only had the strength to cry and on top of that her stomach was starting to twist again

"What the hell does he see in you there's nothing special?!" Chi-Chi yells

"You wouldn't get it." Midori-ko hisses clenching her fists so hard her nails were cutting into her palms.

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