Anyway you can't tell anyone

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" Dad do you want to see what mom has been teaching me?" Gohan runs up to Goku after they all had lunch and Piccolo had flavored sparkling water.

" What has she been teaching you?" Goku asks looking at Midori-ko

"Watch!" Gohan jumps clenching his fists as he summoned flames making flame gauntlets

" Is that like your mom's whip?" Goku's eyes widened

" Yeah." Gohan nods "Let's go mom!"

" Come at me." Midori-ko motions for him.

Gohan sprinted at his mother at a blinding speed to have Midori-ko block all his punches.

" This what she's been teaching him?" Goku's mouth hung open

" Indeed." Piccolo nods "Your wife acts like a harmless house wife but she's quite a demon or I guess I need to say dragon." Piccolo smirks

" No I know I've seen her fight first hand." Goku says watching them as Midori-ko still blocked Gohan's fists. "I just thought she didn't want to teach Gohan any dragon powers."

" She didn't much have a choice." Piccolo shares

" What?"

" It blossomed on planet Namek out of necessity." Piccolo tells Goku "So she had to teach Gohan how to control it."

" Wow." Goku smiles watching his son and wife

" If I'd known how to pull out his latent dragon powers when I trained him for the Saiyan's they would have been done for." Piccolo says

" I can see that."

" Gohan focus." Midori-ko scolds pushing his hands to the side blocking him.
Gohan was getting carried away with punches using too high of heat with his fire.

" I'm not going to hurt myself." Gohan shook the fire off his fists

" Gohan shook the fire off his fists

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" No but you could hurt others." Midori-ko tells him

" I'm not going to hurt you." Gohan laughs

" No but what about your father or Piccolo." Midori-ko points out

" They're tough enough.""No they're not." Midori-ko walked over to a tree and placed a hand on it for a moment all the moisture in the air evaporated from the intense heat.
The tree combusted burning up in under a minute before the tree turned completely black then fell to ashes.

" Whoa!" Gohan's mouth drops open

"Our fire can rival the sun in temperature if you're not careful." Midori-ko explains walking back over "I've never once used my fire magic on your father."


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