Goku that's not fair

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"Merus is there somewhere I can smoke?" Midori-ko asks as Goku and Vegeta discussed the new threat

"You smoke?" Merus asks

"For now." Midori-ko tells him "It's only until I feel better."

"Until you feel better?" Merus asks

"It's a long story but it's essentially a prescription of mine." Midori-ko tells him

"I'll take your word for it." Merus nods "If you go straight down the hall to your left there's a set of stairs to the lower deck." Merus points in the direction of the stairs "No one will be bothered by your smoke and you can do it in peace."

"You're a lifesaver." Midori-ko gives him a thumbs up "I'll be back in about five minutes."

Midori-ko was maybe gone three minutes to find only Merus, Jaco and the pilot on the ship.

"What should we do?" The pilot asks "Should we head to New Namek too?"

"No let's head back to HQ." Jaco says

"Majin Buus aid is indispensable." Merus says

"But agent Merus there's a decent chance they've already taken down Moro." Jaco says "Those two are a teeny bit stronger than me."

"Even so, it's very unlikely that they'll win." Merus stresses

"What the hell?" Midori-ko asks walking back "Where's Goku and Vegeta?"

"They went to New Namek." Merus faces her.
Midori-ko stood frozen her she was again left behind while Goku and Vegeta went and dealt with whatever threat was new.

"You said this Moro guy is ridiculously powerful correct?" Midori-ko asks

"I did." Merus nods

"Do you think Midori-ko could take him if Goku and Vegeta fail?" Jaco asks

"Who says they're going to fail?" Midori-ko crossed her arms "If you want to place your bets on anyone it's them."

"I don't know Midori-ko but if you're anything like your grandfather

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"I don't know Midori-ko but if you're anything like your grandfather...""I told you Merus I'm nothing like my grandfather, he was undefeated because he never stopped training. Me on the other hand have been a housewife for most of my adult life." Midori-ko interrupts

"I think she's just being lazy." Jaco smiles at Merus

"Jaco." Midori-ko glares

"Seriously you should ask Goku he can tell you some crazy stories about Midori-ko." Jaco tells Merus

"Speaking of Goku, I need to go to him." Midori-ko pulled the napkin out her pocket

"Midori-ko I beg you please don't go to Goku's side if he and Vegeta fail we need you to defend us." Merus tells her

"You still have Buu." Midori-ko didn't even think twice before closing her eyes searching for Goku's energy.

In the very moment Midori-ko found Goku's energy she felt it being ripped from him like someone had not only absorbed it but ate it.

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