The dragon radar

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That night as Midori-ko slept beside him, Goku lightly stroked her face knowing it soothed her.

Goku hadn't been happier since they got married and he found out they were having a kid

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Goku hadn't been happier since they got married and he found out they were having a kid.

Even though he knew she was happy Midori-ko had been more stressed than usual, Goku knew it was due to her keeping their marriage a secret from everyone that she knew and how anxious she'd been. Goku hadn't said anything to her but whenever there was a loud noise Midori-ko would jump out of her skin. She'd been doing everything she could to not have a panic attack while pregnant.

Becoming human wasn't something he could ask Midori-ko to do. She was the great great great great great grand daughter of the dragon of fire Ruka which Goku still didn't fully understand the weight of but he knew that it meant something to Midori-ko.
She was a valuable member of dragon realm and if she gave up everything that she was for him Goku believed Dragon Realm would still come after him.

Still Goku wanted to make Midori-ko just as happy as she made him

The next morning Midori-ko was woken up by the smell of something cooking.
Slowly sitting fighting the urge to go back to sleep she wondered why Goku was up cooking. He hadn't cooked since they left Kami's lookout.

" Whatcha making?" Midori-ko yawns making her way into the kitchen

" Waffles." Goku says trying to focus on using the waffle iron correctly

" Ah right on." Midori-ko smiles sleepily normally she'd go for the coffee but being pregnant she avoided caffeine as much as possible. So orange juice it was.

" Bulma called this morning." Goku says hurrying around the waffle iron as it leaked waffle mix

" How's she doing?" Midori-ko asks finding her spot at the table

" She's good." Goku says "She's coming by the house today."

" You're serious?" Midori-ko almost spit out her juice "I'll need to clean up the house."

" I'll do it." Goku offers

" Oh really? You'll clean?" Midori-ko teases

" I want to give you a break." Goku nods checking the waffle iron

" Who are you and what have you done with Goku." Midori-ko smiles

" Ha ha." Goku rolls his eyes

" Sweetheart don't worry yourself over me." Midori-ko tells him

"I'm always going to worry about you." Goku smiles at her


" Good morning." Bulma waved after landing her capsule corp mini helicopter

Goku waved back he'd already sensed Bulma was close so he went to greet her

" Morning Bulma." Goku smiles as Bulma walked up to him

" Where's the misses?" Bulma asks

" She's taking a bath." Goku tells her "I'm making her take it easy."

" Aw you're such a sweet husband." Bulma smiles "I knew you'd be a good husband."

" Yeah." Goku rubs the back of his neck "Did you bring the dragon radar?" He asks

" Took me a little bit to find it but here you go." Bulma hands the trusty dragon radar to Goku "What are you gathering the dragon balls for?" She asks

" Bulma hands the trusty dragon radar to Goku "What are you gathering the dragon balls for?" She asks

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" It's for Midori-ko." Goku focuses on the dragon radar

" What could she possibly want it for?" Bulma asks "She basically has everything."

" She's betrothed to another dragon...""And she fell in love with you I know I heard the story from you the last time I came to visit." Bulma says

" She wants to become human." Goku says

" Oh? Really?" Bulma asks

" Yeah."

" And you're okay with that?' Bulma asks

" I want to make her happy." Goku gives Bulma a small smile

" But will that fix her betrothal? I don't know Goku." Bulma sighs

" I trust her." Goku tells her

" Goku... I... just be careful I don't want anything to happen to my brother from another mother." Bulma jokes trying to get Goku to smile

" I appreciate that." Goku shoved the dragon radar in his pocket "I just...I can't lose her." Goku looks down

" I hear you." Bulma nods "So when was she supposed to marry this prince anyway?" Bulma asks

" It was supposed to be on her 18 birthday but the prince pushed it back to next year." Goku explains "He's a piece of work." He cringed

" You've met him?" Bulma asks

" Unfortunately." Goku says "Anyway you hungry? I made some tonkotsu ramen." Goku changed the subject walking inside his house

" You cooked something besides onigiri." Bulma teases following him inside

" Yeah why is that so weird?" Goku asks

" I'm at a loss." Bulma laughs "Married life suits you Goku."

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