Just a little more

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That night things settled only temporarily.
Moro had to be resting too.

Esca and Elder Moori as well tried to relax.
Which was next to impossible.
Moro grimly loomed over them making everyone anxious.

Goku held Midori-ko close to his chest. Neither of them were able to sleep.
Midori-ko buried her face in his chest trying to find some relief.

"Are you awake?" Goku whispers

"Yes." Midori-ko whispers back

"Do you think anyone else is awake?" Goku asks

"Umm." Midori-ko closes her eyes normally Goku could sense if someone was awake but in his state Goku couldn't even read her mind. "Elder Moori is the only other one awake." She tells Goku

"I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow." Goku stroked her hair

"Don't be scared if anyone can do away with Moro it's you." Midori-ko whispers

"Midori-ko I've never felt that kind of ki signature before." Goku looks down "It's like a thousand needles stabbing my heart and crushing my soul." He shudders

"I need to stop reading Stephen King to you." Midori-ko teases trying to ignore that despite his size Goku felt small.

"Cell didn't make me feel like this." Goku admits

"I remember." Midori-ko nods "Cell really unsettled you."

"Did I ever tell you that I knew I was going to die?" Goku holds her cheek

"Did I ever tell you that I knew I was going to die?" Goku holds her cheek

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"No." Midori-ko breathes looking into Goku's eyes

"It was a sicking feeling and I was constantly scared." Goku closed his eyes, Midori-ko could feel Goku's energy growing more and more anxious.

"Whatever happens I want you to know you're everything I ever dreamed of." Midori-ko looks up at Goku getting him to look at her.

Goku doesn't say anything he just looks into her eyes.

"Kakarrot." Vegeta spoke up

"Oh we're sorry Vegeta." Midori-ko looks over Goku's shoulder

"No you're fine." Vegeta says keeping his back to them "If either of you see Bulma and I die tell her she was my reason."

"Don't talk like that you'll tell her yourself." Goku turned to look at Vegeta

"I hope you're right Kakarrot."Vegeta sighs "Hold your wife close at least one of us gets that luxury."

"Vegeta." Midori-ko says her heart feeling heavy

"Don't start." Vegeta scoffs "Go to sleep."

Goku pulled Midori-ko closer getting her to tuck her nose in his chest.

Goku had fallen asleep before Midori-ko did, she took the chance to put her hand just above Goku's heart she could spare some of her energy to help Goku fight.
He needed all the strength he could get in order to fight Moro.

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