You're such a pain Kakarrot

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"Maron?" Goten asks as he helps her sit in a more comfortable spot as Oolong brings over a glass of water for her.

"Is what my dad said true?"

"It seems so." Maron holds onto her stomach

"I don't know what to say." Goten admits

"It'll be okay." Krillin sits down on the other side of Maron "Goku has a way of making some pretty big messes but I know him and he'll fix his mistake I'm sure of it." A clap of wind against Master Roshi's house startled them.

"What's your grandpa doing?" Maron looks outside.Goten turned to look outside the window to see his grandfather look even taller than he normally did.

Goten turned to look outside the window to see his grandfather look even taller than he normally did

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Toga had said something to 18 making her head back inside joining everyone.
She was quiet but 18 sat on the other side of Krillin.
Everyone was more preoccupied with what Midori-ko's father was doing.
Toga was the only one on the beach. Extending his arm what appeared to be a crossbow made out of lightning and points it at the night sky.
Quickly massive storm clouds building with thunder and lightning surrounded Master Roshi's island. Toga then seemed to be carried away by the wind.
Only for a moment before his crystal white sweeping body seemed to circle around Master Roshi's island.

Only for a moment before his crystal white sweeping body seemed to circle around Master Roshi's island

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"Holy crap?!" Trunks exclaims.

"They could have been doing this from the get-go." Oolong rolls his eyes

"Shut up pig!" Bulma bashed him across the head

"They have to intervene other dragons are killing innocent humans meaning they can't be revived by the dragon balls." Master Roshi explains "I didn't think I'd live long enough to see the dragons have to step in."

Outside Toga had timed his transformation and storm shield just in time for the same black dragon that attacked Goten and Maron to clash into the ever-quick lighting of Toga.
Jarring the young dragon enough for Toga to clamp down on its neck with a large white claw, building lighting in his mouth.
The noise that came out of the young dragon was horrible as Toga struck him with lightning.
The scream was almost immediately muted due to the cracking and snapping from the lighting.
The young dragon reverted to his human form getting Toga to pick him up in his claw and squeeze.

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