Everything was right in the world. At least for now

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Earlier that same night...

Goten flew over to Maron's house with Krillin and 18.

"Don't feel too bad you didn't miss anything interesting during the movie." 18 tells Goten

"Maron was upset I could tell." Goten looks down

"Yeah I didn't want to distract you but you're going to have your hands full." Krillin chuckles nervously

" Krillin chuckles nervously

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"Aw what?" Goten complains

"Maron is a pain when she's upset so good luck." 18 tells him

"I'm going to pay you two back for my ticket and dinner." Goten tells them

"We know you're good for it." 18 tells Goten "But she's upset for a different reason."


All three of them got quite after that.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at Krillin and 18's home.
They landed out on the patio, they could see Maron curled up on the couch with a worried look on her face trying to focus on whatever was on the TV.

As soon as 18 opens the slider door Maron shot up.

"Mom! Dad!" Maron runs out and hugs both her parents "You're ok."

"Well Goku's son saved the day." Krillin chuckles

"Goten?" She looks over at Goten who stood paces behind her parents

"Goten?" She looks over at Goten who stood paces behind her parents

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"Gohan." 18 says

"Oh... figures." Maron narrows her eyes looking at Goten as she said it.
Getting Goten to flare his nostrils and clench his fists

"Krillin come on." 18 grabbed her husband's arm pulling him inside feeling the intense energy coming off both of them.

"Well?" Maron crossed her arms

"Well what?" Goten asks

"Aren't you going to say you're sorry?" Maron asks

"You want me to say I'm sorry for protecting you and everyone else?" Goten asks

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