Me fight Cell?

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After Hercule made a fool out of himself acting like one of those looney pro wrestlers.

" I hope I don't have to deal with that circus clown ever again after today." Midori-ko shook her head

" You said it." Krillin agreed

" He treats this like some kind of joke." Piccolo scoffs

" I'm going up there." Goku turned to Midori-ko

" If you feel like it gets to be too much you let someone else fight." Midori-ko holds Goku's hand

" Right."

" Now let's actually begin this game. Who's going first? Son Goku?" Cell turned his attention to them

" Yup that's right." Goku smiles from ear to ear entering the ring.

It was Goku's turn.

Goku fought Cell brilliantly matching his punches and kicks.

For a moment they stopped just staring at each other until Goku's demeanor changed

" Alright!" Goku shouts before emitting a giant cloud of energy and his Super Saiyan form began to glow and spark

" Unbelievable Goku is just unbelievable." Trunks mouth drops watching Goku display tremendous power and energy.

" Goku's energy isn't even measurable he's waay beyond us." Krillin chuckles watching Goku

"Mom." Gohan whispers pulling on her sleeve

"Yes Gohan?" Midori-ko asks "Buby why are you whispering?" She got down to Gohan's level which wasn't much since Gohan was getting taller each day

"Dad's holding back it's impressive but...""I know shhhh." Midori-ko hushes Gohan

Gohan gripped Midori-ko's hands for a moment before turning to watch Goku fight Cell.


" I lose." Goku pauses looking up at Cell "I give up, you've shown me how strong you are." Goku smiles

" He's giving up?"
"What's Goku thinking."

As Goku argued with Cell it was hard not to be distracted by Hercule and the reporter they were so annoyingly loud.

" Can I request who goes next?" Goku asks

" You can't be serious?" Cell curls his upper lip

They still argued back and forth. Until...

" You're up Gohan!" Goku shouts up to him.

"What did he say?"
" Goku you've lost your mind you're sending your only son to his death." Piccolo snaps

Gohan stood frozen from shock next to his mother, if he was able to move he might have hid behind her.

Goku flew up to them with a big smile on his face.

" You can do it right Gohan?" Goku asks

" Me fight Cell?" Gohan asks

" Goku are you touched in the head?" Piccolo growls "Gohan's remarkable but him fight against Cell? Who even you couldn't fight."

" Gohan you don't have to do anything you don't want to." Midori-ko faces Gohan

" Come on Midori-ko, Gohan has so much power far beyond anything I can imagine and besides he's been fighting along side us since he was a toddler." Goku insists

Even Goku's friends protested

" Mom?" Gohan looks up at her

"I'll allow it only if Gohan agrees." Midori-ko says standing face to face with Goku

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