Chapter 5

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Gravel crunches under my shoes as we swerve around the cars parked on the road.

Traffic is at a complete standstill as people attempt to get a parking spot near the festival grounds.

The bright sun reflects off the metal of automobiles lining the street, making me grateful for the sunglasses protecting my eyes.

My sandals, on the other hand, are proving to be useless against the small rocks that are finding their way between my toes.

For the fifth time today, I stop walking and rest my back against a car. I pick out the debris from my feet and say, "Are we sure we have the tickets? I am not trekking back to get them. I'll sit outside the gates and listen to the music if I have to."

"Don't be such a drama queen, Gwen," Elaine says as she swats at my arm. "I checked like three times before we left, and the tickets are in my backpack."

Last night I made the mistake of asking how we were getting into Woodstock since we have yet to purchase any tickets. Elaine and Rose spent a solid ten minutes laughing at my expense before informing me they got tickets from the record store weeks ago.

Bobby comes to my side and puts his arm around my shoulder. Warmth fans across my body, and it isn't from summer's heat. "Are you okay?"

"Honestly, No. I wore the wrong shoes."

"Do you want to get on my back?"

My head cocks back as I look him up and down. Being the prepared man he is, he has a full-on camping bag on his back and is carrying most of our camping supplies. "Are you crazy? Your back is already occupied."

Mike runs over and puts his hand out. His smile lights up his entire face with warmth and joy. "I'll carry it."

"You're already carrying the other bag!"

"I don't care. We can't have you injured before the fun really begins." Mike grabs the camping bag from Bobby and wraps the shoulder straps around his arm until one bag rests against his back and the other on his front.

He looks absolutely ridiculous as he shuffles over to Eliane and Rose.

Mike is a character. His energy gives Rose a run for her money. His chestnut hair falls to his shoulders, and his tall form towers over my sister and her best friend. He places an arm around both ladies before strolling through the crowd.

Bobby reaches for my hand. "Come on. I got you."

The skin on the top of my foot is bright red and raw. Every time the strap of my sandal rubs against it, a scolding burn radiates across my skin.

My shoulders drop, and I push out a deep breath. "Bobby, I have my backpack and a sleeping bag. It's too much weight to carry."

Bobby leans down, scoops his arm under my leg, and supports my back with the other.

I let out a loud squeal that sounds like a dying pig, and my heart leaps in my chest.

I'm unsure how he manages it, but he bends to grab my bag before walking off. I begin to squirm, desperate for him to put me down.

Bobby's strong arms tighten, holding me close to his body. Laying against his muscular chest sends my brain into a dreamy haze. I wouldn't mind getting a peek at what his white t-shirt is hiding underneath it.

When I come back to earth, I sigh in defeat. "Fine, fine, fine! I'll go on your back."

"Thank God. I was afraid I was going to crash into someone with your sleeping bag in my face." Bobby lets out a chuckle that vibrates throughout my body. "We're almost there anyways. I'll be fine. I promise."

August 1969Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora