Chapter 10

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My life is wonderful, the music is incredible, and I am currently high as a kite.

For the second time today, I am standing in a massive line to use the bathroom. I have concluded that the promoters of Woodstock were not prepared for the enormous amount of people in attendance.

I shuffle from side to side, desperate to empty my bladder. My mind can't seem to process how people can be peeing so slowly that time is almost at a standstill.

Jumping up and down, Rose looks like she is about to explode. "I swear, if people don't hurry up, I'm going to get arrested for indecent exposure and pee behind a bush."

"Let's do it. I'll cover for you if you do the same for me," I say without hesitation.

Rose and I wobble as we walk to find a secluded spot. Well, as private as you can get when surrounded by thousands of people.

We come across a small, dark area, and Rose yells, "Me first!"

She staggers into the dim light, and I turn around to give her privacy.

When I look over the field of people, I'm amazed by the sight. The stage illuminates the area, and bonfires scatter across the grounds. Even with the light rain, the ambiance is calm and peaceful as the music continues in the background.

When Sweetwater started their set, we decided to find a place closer to the stage. People were packed like sardines, but a group of friends moved over and invited us to join them. During our conversations, it felt like I have known them my whole life. I've come to realize we are all here for the same reason- Music and to escape reality.

The war has a lot of people messed up. We are all suffering from the loss of family and friends.

And for what?

Nothing will ever convince me that this war was necessary. I don't know how many of my male friends would express the anxiety of knowing they would be sent off to die as soon as they graduate.

College or die, that was their option.

We would sit in cars listening to the draft numbers. Our bodies were still with our breath held in our lungs, praying they didn't call someone we knew.

Of course, you have the guys who want to serve their country. I feel immense pride knowing that some people are willing to protect our freedom, but that was their choice. I'm proud of my brother, but I still feel the ache in my heart knowing he is over there. Whenever I hear a knock at the door, I fear someone will be standing there, ready to tell me my brother has died.

Some of the stories I heard today made me sick and filled me with worry knowing Daniel could meet the same horrid fate.

Happy thoughts, Gwen. Happy thoughts.

I nearly jump out of my skin when Rose taps on my shoulder. "Your turn."

With my hand on my chest, I try to stop my racing heart with controlled breathing. "Jesus Christ, Rose. I almost just peed myself."

I can hear her laughter continue as I scurry off to finally use the bathroom.

As Rose and I make our way back to the others, she wraps her arm around mine and says, "I want to apologize."

My brow cocks up, and my mind races trying to figure out what she could possibly be apologizing for. Before I can ask, she says, "I feel bad for putting you and Bobby in that position earlier today." The pointer finger of her free hand points upwards as a smile takes over her face. "But at the same time, I'm not."

My lips clamp together as I try to swallow my laughter. I avoid looking at Rose because I know if I do, I'll lose all control. "You're not making any sense, but thank you?"

August 1969Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin