Chapter 6

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I had fantasies of pearly white gates opening and angels singing when I finally arrived at the front of the line. However, the image before me was far from what I envisioned. The metal barricades still needed to be assembled. It looks like a child threw it together while the remaining fence pieces were thrown to the side.

With my ticket in hand, I scan the entrance for someone to show it to.

A woman must have seen my death grip on the flimsy piece of paper because she pointed to my hand and said, "They aren't even checking for tickets anymore."

She stands before me in a killer leather fringe bra with flowers painted on her midriff. I shift awkwardly in my plain navy blue t-shirt, utterly underdressed for the occasion.

I wish I had the confidence to wear something like that.

Her pixie haircut complements her razor-sharp cheekbones, and her emerald eyes are as green as the open field surrounding us. She glances up at my flower crown, and a smile pulls at her lips. She points to it and says, "That's groovy. Did you make it?"

"I didn't." My hand goes up and brushes against the smooth petals. "Someone gave it to me on the walkover."

Remembering what my crown maker said, I wrap my fingers around the headpiece and place it on her head. "Spread peace."

"Hey, Barbara!" A shirtless guy comes over and puts his arm around her shoulder. "We found a great spot."

Before walking off, Barbara thanked me for the crown and promised to pay it forward to the next deserving soul. The thought of the floral wreath getting passed around sends happiness to my heart.

Bobby comes to stand beside me. His palm rests on my lower back. His touch hypnotizes me, and my muscles relax as I lean into his tall form. "I can't believe you gave away the crown."

"It's just flowers," I say with a shrug. "Plus, she looked good in it."

"You looked better in it."

His words cause butterflies to erupt in my stomach. "There you go with those sweet words again."

A warm breath hits the outer shell of my ear as Bobby whispers, "We'll talk later, I promise."

Since my birthday, Bobby has dropped hints of his feelings but has yet to say them out loud. I don't think I'm wrong, but a small part still fears I'm just a girl with an unreciprocated crush. The thought of being rejected causes the fluttering in my stomach to halt.

The green, rolling hills of the dairy farm are captivating and pull me from my unpleasant thoughts. The land goes on for acres, and my jaw drops to the ground as the swarm of people walk freely around the open field.

Blankets lay across the grass, huddled as close to the stage as possible. Attendees sit in the warm sun and engage in friendly conversations. Every person I look at has their lips pulling upwards in infectious, loving ways. The peaceful atmosphere is precisely what the world needs. The joy flowing between everyone has my chest ready to burst at its beauty.

Multiple drum circles spread across the grounds. Men and women move their bodies to the rhythm of the drum with contagious smiles plastering their glowing faces. 

I want to dance.

The steady sound of the drums calls to me, and I join the celebration. The music flows through my ears and straight to my soul. My hips begin to sway, and my fingers tap against the outer part of my thigh as I let the beat take control.

Electric energy surrounds me. As if lightning will burst from my fingertips, I become enflamed with positive vibrations.

My sister nudges my arm and pulls me from my trance. She tries to say something, but the drums overpower her. She nods toward our friends, and I follow them once again with a bounce in my step.

August 1969Where stories live. Discover now