Chapter 9

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Seeing our sisters went exactly as Bobby and I predicted. Hugs, screams, and talks of us officially being family.

The high pitch screeching has left a ringing in my ears. I wouldn't be surprised if I had difficulty hearing Richie Havens, the first Woodstock performer.

Mike came behind Bobby and clapped his hand on his back. "You finally did it?"

A faint tint coats Bobby's cheeks as a smile pulls at his lips. He puts his arm around my shoulder and says, "Yeah, I finally did it."

When Bobby looks down at me, the glow in his hazel eyes sets butterflies free in my stomach. His carefree smile and beautiful pink lips have me aching to kiss him. I want the first time our lips meet to be at the right time, intimate and special.

Like that dance.

Thinking back to how Bobby's hands freely roamed my body has me close my eyes and relive the moment. Shivers run down my spine, imagining how our bodies moved in perfect unison. My mind runs wild, fantasizing about how good it will feel when we become one and have sex for the first time.

Simmer down, Gwen. Kiss the guy first, then you can think about sex.

I'm completely lost in my impure thoughts and almost jump out of my skin when Bobby wraps his hands around my waist. He pulls me in close and leans down, placing a delicate kiss on my cheek. "Mike volunteered to try the dope that guy gave you to make sure it's good."

The two boys walk off, and before they even enter the tent, my sister and Rose are by my side. Elaine grabs my arm and pulls me down to the ground. She sits with her legs crossed and looks at me with wide eyes and a show-stopping smile. "Tell me everything."

Rose lays down next to us with her hands behind her head. Her long blond hair fans across the emerald grass as the sun kisses her skin. She closes her eyes and smirks. "Just leave out the mushy stuff. Save my ears for the music. I don't need to hear anything like that."

"Oh, stop that," Elaine laughs as she reaches over to swat at her best friend.

"I'm serious. That's my brother, and we might have been wombmates for nine months, but I have no desire to hear about his sexcapades."

Elaine scrunches her nose and asks, "You didn't have sex in the woods, did you?"

I look at my sister like she grew an extra head. My head cocks back so far that the muscles in my neck begin to strain. Although I have had many impure images play in my mind, the thought of having sex against a tree does not sound appealing. "God, no."

Patting my back, Elaine nods her head. "That's my girl. Make him work for it."

Rose doesn't even open her eyes and mumbles, "Ew."

With that, I begin to share the beginning of our story. Elaine rests her elbows on her knees while cradling her face. She hangs on to each of my words as if I am reciting fantastic literature.

My heart flutters rapidly when I say, "He told me he loved me."

Elaine's posture stiffens, and her mouth drops so low it's about to hit the ground. "He said he loves you?"

Rose has stayed silent, and I almost forgot she was there. Still basking in the sun, she lets out a light chuckle. "About fucking time."

"I can't wait until Daniel hears about this. I'm going to write to him as soon as we get home."

The drum beating in my chest comes to a halt at the mention of my brother. I blame our age gap on his reasoning for being so protective. Daniel was respectful towards Richie, but it took months for him to accept the idea of his little sister dating.

August 1969Where stories live. Discover now