Chapter 11

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When Joan Baez finishes her set with the gospel song "We Shall Overcome," I offer a standing ovation.

The song has become the anthem of the civil rights movement, and Baez is known to sing it at anti-Vietnam rallies. It sends a message of strength and courage, reminding us that we will make it through our hardships.

She's fighting the establishment and using her angelic soprano voice to spread her message.

Her activist energy is contagious.

When the light of the stage dims for the night, Elaine, Rose, and Mike head back to camp. Bobby and I are left behind to finish the bottle of Boone's Farm.

The grounds are now scattered with hundreds of bonfires, making the clearing look like flickering fireflies are taking over. Hundreds of guitars are strumming, and even though they are playing different tunes, they all merge into one beautiful song.

I stay wrapped up in Bobby's arms, resting my head against his shoulder. We continue to drink from the bottle, passing it back and forth, enjoying each other's company.

One thing I really enjoy about Bobby is that we always have something to talk about. Currently, he is telling me what life in the city is like. With each of his words, my excitement for college grows.

"You know," Bobby starts. "Your dorm is only a few blocks from mine."

I turn to look at him and scoff. "That's unfortunate. I guess I'll have to spend time with you."

Bobby playfully pinches the side of my stomach, one of my many ticklish spots. A roar of laughter explodes from my chest as I squirm to get away. When I reach my feet, Bobby holds out his hand and gestures for me to sit back down.

"Come back." His voice is laced with amusement. When I point my finger at him, he puts his hands up in submission. "I won't do it again."

"You better," I say before Bobby pulls me towards him. I let out a girlish giggle as I fall to his lap.

His playfulness makes me feel like I could fly, weightless and free.

I'm falling in more ways than one.

The rain comes down harder with each passing minute, causing Bobby's hair to cling to his face. I reach out and brush it to the side, away from his eyes. He doesn't say anything as he stares into my soul.

"A penny for your thoughts?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah." A smirk pulls at his lips as he shakes his head. "It was just something Rose said."

When I think about my wacky friend, I chuckle. "Well, she tends to say a lot."

Bobby nods in agreement before saying, "Um, well, this is more about what she said about us." He laces our fingers together before pressing a light kiss to the top of my hand. I think I know where this conversation is headed, and my heart rate quickens, slamming against my ribcage. "I know you just got out of a long-term relationship, and I don't know if you're ready for another, But—"

I cut him off by wrapping my arms around his shoulders. I rub along the short hairs at the base of his neck and say, "I'm more than ready, Bobby."

"Are you sure?" The light from the surrounding fires flashes against his face, highlighting his sharp features. He looks deeply into my eyes as if searching for my answer. "We can take it slow if you want."

"Bobby," I sigh. "You were the first guy I ever liked. Trust me when I say that I want this. You're amazing. You're sweet, compassionate, and you make me smile. I'm lucky to have you."

August 1969Where stories live. Discover now