Chapter 12

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I don't know how long I slept, but I feel like I was run over by a bus.

Every time I swallow, it feels like sandpaper is rubbing against my esophagus. Plus, my stomach is completely empty and begging for food with loud grumbles. 

Water. I need water.

When I wipe the sleep from my eyes, I notice Elaine and Rose have already started their day.

Memories of last night flash through my mind like an Oscar-worthy movie and causes my heart to flutter. I can still feel Bobby's lips on my skin, and when I hear his voice outside, I quickly look for something to change into.

I rummage through my bag and find all my extra clothes drenched. Even the shirt I wore to bed is wet. My heart starts to race, and I shout, "Elaine!"

My voice must have come out more frantic than I intended because my sister was by my side within seconds, with slight creases forming between her brows. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"I have no clothes." I hold the wet clothes before plopping them on my blanket. "I have absolutely nothing to wear except a pair of jeans."

Elaine waves me off with a scoff. "Just go topless. Everyone is doing it."

My eyes go wide, and I cross my arms against my chest. "I can't do that."

"Don't be such a prude, Gwen. They are breasts, natural and beautiful." I'm sure Elaine would see her brain if her eyes could roll back any further. "Let me look at what I have. I'll even go through Rose's stuff too."

I cross my fingers and pray that she has something. Anything would be better than wet clothes.

My sister then holds up a short floral mini dress and an ivory lace halter top that would expose more skin than cover.

I take it back, anything but those.

Elaine tosses the clothes to me, but I'm too busy chewing on my nails to catch them. "What's wrong?"

"I don't have any underwear or even a bra, everything is wet."

With a shrug of her shoulders, Elaine ducks out of the tent. Before she zippers it up, she peeks in and says, "Either expose your vagina or your nipples. Your choice, Baby Sister."

I raise both my middle fingers and stick out my tongue at the sound of her retreating footsteps. She knows I'm not as confident as she is when it comes to clothes, I like to be covered.

Except when you're in an open field around thousands of people.

Although my thoughts are correct, last night was different. It was just me and Bobby, and nobody else mattered. It was in the moment, and although I don't regret it, I don't think I would have been so bold if alcohol didn't lower my inhibitions.

I look down at my options and sigh, weighing the pros and cons of each outfit. If I bend over, the dress will expose everything, literally everything. I could wear wet underwear, but that sounds like a yeast infection waiting to happen and completely unappealing.

After I pull the halter top over my head, I look down at my body. The lace falls right below my breast, showing off most of my midriff, and actually looks pretty good with my dark denim bell bottoms.

Thankfully, Rose saved my feet when she found an extra pair of moccasins at the bottom of her bag. She apologized profusely when she realized she could have saved me from my deadly sandals yesterday.

I take a deep breath before inspecting my outfit one last time before stepping outside. I almost feel naked without a bra, I never go out without one.

The stuffy air in the tent causes a light sheen of sweat to form on my brow. I see an extra hair tie on the floor, and I pull my hair away from my neck and into a high ponytail.

August 1969Where stories live. Discover now