Chapter 13

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Ever since Elaine brought up the idea of Woodstock, I had thousands of visions about what would happen while we were here. Even my wildest dreams could not have prepared me for the euphoric freedom of letting go and truly living.

I've never felt so alive.

Elaine and I walk down the path in the woods, which I have learned is called Bindy Bazaar.

The Saturday sun is powerful and warm. Some of its light penetrates the full summer trees, showing off its strength with bright rays.

Elaine looks at a table filled with hats and hands me a brown wool-felt one. "You need to try this on. I think it would look fab on you."

I spin the floppy, wide-brimmed hat in my hands as I inspect it. It's pretty simple, nothing crazy, and the only embellishment is a felt band around the front dip. It ties off into a cute bow that reminds me of the ones I usually wear in my hair.

When I place it on my head, Elaine is quick to adjust it to her standards. "Yes," She says. "You need it."

"No, I don't."

My sister waves me off and hands the seller money. "Think of it as your birthday present."

"Elaine," I start. "This weekend is my birthday present, and it's the best. You don't need to spend your money on me."

My sister wraps her arm around mine and pulls me down the dirt path. "Too bad, it's already done."

"Thank you." Elaine keeps giving me side glances, and the creepy grin on her face makes me feel like spiders are crawling all over me. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Elaine shrugs her shoulders, and it pisses me off. "Seriously, stop. You're freaking me out."

"Fine," She scoffs. "How's Bobby?"

Of all the things Elaine could have asked, I didn't think that would be it. My eyes narrow as I look at my sister, and I try to figure out where she's going with this conversation. "He's fine. Why?"

With a chuckle, Elaine playfully swats at my arm. "You're not fooling anyone, Missy. I'm sure he's more than fine. Don't think I didn't see that hickey on your boob."

My feet come to a halt, and I glance down at my chest to make sure I have no visible love bites. I quickly scan the crowd to look for the others before turning to my sister.

My sister's giggle turned into a full-chested laugh. It's my turn to swat at her, and my protest only makes her laughter grow to an obnoxious volume. "Tell me this, was he good?"

My arms fall to my sides, and I stomp my foot like a toddler having a temper tantrum. "Stop!"

A few people in the crowd look at us, and heat spreads across my face. "Please, stop. I'm begging you."

"You're no fun," Elaine says with a roll of her eyes. Bobby, Rose, and Mike make their way over to us, and my sister points toward them. "I guess I'll just ask Bobby."

Just as she's about to walk away, I let out a heavy sigh and capture Elaine's arm. "Fine, you win." A wide smile spreads across her face as she wiggles her brows. "He asked me out."

"On like a date?"

My head shakes from side to side. "No, He asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Oh, my God!" Elaine shrieks and claps her hands together. She begins to bounce up and down and throws her arms around me. I can't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "I'm so happy for you. I can't believe Bobby Walker asked you to go steady."

August 1969Where stories live. Discover now