Chapter 16

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My alone time with Bobby was pure bliss. He just held me, and I let my exhaustion finally win.

Banging drums and a strumming electric guitar wake me from my slumber, and I immediately reach for Bobby, but his spot is empty and cold. I push myself up and try to find my shorts.

Bobby being the gentleman he is, offered me a dry t-shirt. As soon as I began to pull the wet clothes off my body, he covered his eyes, claiming he was giving me some privacy. I reminded him that he had already seen me naked when I went swimming, and he just shrugged, telling me that was different.

God, He's perfect.

Over the microphone, they announce Country Joe and the Fish. I want to watch them, so I quickly pull up my shorts and tuck in Bobby's oversized shirt.

As I'm about to leave, I notice papers laid on top of the sketchbook he placed on the blanket. I recognize Bobby's handwriting immediately, and I can't help but smile.

You're beautiful.

I look at the other pages he left with the note, my eyes gloss over. I gently trace over the pencil marks in complete awe of his talent.

The first one is of me swimming. The water only covers half my body, exposing my back and long, wavy hair. I'm looking over my shoulder with a smile as the water glistens around me.

Bobby must have just drawn the second picture because it's of me sleeping. His attention to detail amazes me. Not just because all I can draw is stick figures, but how he has the ability to capture images with such detailed accuracy. Like the way my damp hair falls over my face or the barely visible freckles that decorate my nose and cheeks.

For the first time, I'm getting a glimpse of what Bobby sees when he looks at me, and he's right. I am beautiful.

I tuck the drawings back into his sketchbook, not waiting for them to get ruined, and rush out of the tent.

As soon as our gazes meet, I run as fast as possible toward Bobby. His eyes widen before I jump and wrap my legs around his waist.

My heart rate quickens when he looks at me with a beautiful smile. "I love you."

Bobby's Adam's apple bobs, and his eyes go as wide as saucers. He opens his mouth to say something before quickly closing it. My hands cup his cheeks, and I pepper kisses all over his face. "I love you."

"Say it again," he says.

"I love you."

Bobby's hand goes behind my neck and urges me closer. He rests his forehead against mine, our lips only a hair's width apart. "And I love you, Winnie."

Our mouths collide, sealing our love with a searing, passionate kiss.

I hear the others hooting and hollering, but I block them out to focus on tingles taking over my body while Bobby's tongue caresses mine.

When we pull apart, we stare at each other with goofy grins. My cheeks are sore from my wide smile.

My arms stay around Bobby's neck as he places me back on the ground. He looks to the ground and lets out an airy chuckle. "I can't believe it. Are you sure?"

I gently grab his chin and bring his gaze to meet mine. "I am one hundred percent, head over heels, in love with you, Bobby. Don't doubt it. Ever."

Bobby brings me in for a hug, and I never want to let go.

I could stay like this forever.

When Bobby and I finally separate, I walk over to see if we have any food. My stomach growls so loud that I'm sure everyone can hear it.

August 1969Where stories live. Discover now