Chapter 5

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"This. Is. So. Mean!" I panted, beads of sweat pouring down my face.

"Yeah, but this pays back for the tickets!" Trev smiled in my face. "Bet I'll get next touchdown."

"Fine. Loser buys winner breakfast tomorrow morning." I regretted saying that from the moment it slipped my lips.

"Oh, you're on, Green." He smiled.

We began. I had no idea what I was doing, but I ran as fast as I could to a random way. I reached the line and jumped over it, the ball in my hand.

"YES!" I grinned, the corners of my mouth stretching from ear to ear. I just beat the football Capitan at football. And I know nothing about it.

"Okay." He began, smiling. "One: You made about seventeen fouls on the way over here. And Two: This is the place where I score. You just gave away breakfast." He chuckled and threw the football back to his house. His parents were out of town (again) and his brother was away to college.

"What?" I asked, still mucky and on the ground.

"'Fraid so, Green." He smirked, pulling a hand to help me up. I got up, and pushed him head first into a pile of mud.

"Aw, COME ON!" He spluttered, holding onto my leg and pulling me down with him.

"Why is your garden so mucky?" I grinned, blowing a strand of loose hair from my face.

"Maybe because I've whooped your as* so much it became muddy to cushion your fall?" He suggested, wiping mud from his lips.

"Or because it hates me."

"Or because my parents are never home to clean it." He sighed.

"I can't believe they won't be here tonight, man. It sucks." I lay down in the mud.

"Eh, they're never here anyway." Trevor got himself beside me. "It doesn't make much of a difference."

"I don't care! That's just mean! You could borrow my mom for a while, she's no good. But she'll smile and pose for you!" I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"No thanks. I'll stick with being by myself. Your mom is strange. Remember last summer and I came over to pick you up for the pool?" He asked.

"Yep. I had to get my swimming suit out quickly because SOMEONE didn't give me any notice!" I smirked at the memory.

"Well, I was waiting at the door for you and your mom came up. She began flirting with me." He shivered. "I swear- it was gross!"

"She was probably wasted." I brought out my old excuse that worked for all situations.

"It was eleven in the morning." He argued.

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