Chapter 21 {FINAL CHAPTER}

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Turns out Jason and Toby had spent the day working out their difficulties. Toby was one of those guys you wouldn't think was gay. He had this odd tall, dark and handsome thing going on, but he looked approachable. Which was good, because he was amazingly nice and funny. Jason could not have found a more perfect guy.

Senior prom had arrived. It had been amazing. Trevor had rented a limo and we'd walked into prom, still the talk of the school, and danced. I'd loved each and every moment of it. When Trevor was around me I couldn't help but love every moment.

He'd then taken me out under the stars and kissed me. Like, real romantic.

We'd walked home, hand in hand, talking about nothing, about everything, about anything. I leaned my head on his shoulder and we laughed and we were just best friends again. Except this time there was no 'I have to go I've got a date' or some rude girl interrupting with a phone call. There was no Preston or Matt to bully me, nothing to cry at. Only smiles.

"Life Is Perfect." I smiled.

"I know you are." He whispered as we reached my door, kissing my cheek.

I gushed. "Love you." I hugged him, the strong scent of his cologne wrapping around me. He petted the top of my hair and kissed the top of my head.

"Love you more."

I raised an eyebrow. "Love you most." I challenged.

"I love you to infinity and beyond." He chuckled, and I sighed with defeat.

He let me go and I walked back into my house, smiling like there was a hanger in my mouth, up to my room and slept like a baby.

Finally, the final day of High School came. We graduated side by side and went to see our friends. That's right, FRIENDS. I had friends now. People I didn't even know existed. Judith, Chris, Amber, McKinney and Robert. They're so nice to us. They were kind of shocked when they first saw Trevor and I, but they got over it. Robert's the biggest flirt in the world. He knows I have a boyfriend, and yet he still tries.

"So, most beautiful Jo..." Robert began, caressing my arm with his finger. "What are your plans after high school."

"College." I smiled at him, chewing gum. Closing my locker for the final time, I stared at Robert's hopeful face.

"What college?" He asked, folding his arms over his bag and watched as I stuffed a picture of me and all of them in my pocket.

"Why?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm interested in where my friends are going. Like... Amber!" He called to the red head, who secretly was in love with him. She turned slowly and stared out her huge, thick-rimmed glasses, adjusting them on the brink of her nose.

"What?" She asked, walking over slowly. She fixed her hair slightly, her fringe moving into her green eyes.

"Where are you going after here?" He asked, smiling nicely at her. She thought this was out of the ordinary, so stared at him for a while before slowly answering.

"Um... Harvard. You know this, right?" She asked. And we did know. She'd ran to us and, like, screamed her freaking head off.

"Yes. But I was being kind and asking Jo and she won't answer me!" He explained, pointing at me and crossing his arms with a grumpy look on his face.

"Maybe..." Amber replied softly, patting Robert's shoulder. "She doesn't want you stalking her."

Robert looked shocked. "LIES!" He touched Amber's hand. "I will only ever love you."

"Mm-hm." She nodded, blushing. "I'm sure you do."

Robert smiled and hugged her. I left them to get on with whatever amazing thing was about to happen. You could tell he knew that she liked him. Maybe he liked her too. Who knew?

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