Chapter 14

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A/N: All right, there will be one at the end of the chapter but right now I have to apologise. There are certain people who will not like this chapter (u know who u r.)

After my encounter with Trevor, I couldn't face school anymore. With a quick text to Preston, I walked out the school gates unnoticed. Our school weren't tight on security. Letting out a huge breath, I sunk to the ground and remembered all the stuff I'd done with Trevor.

When we were four we'd first met. We were in the playground- I with my mom and he with his sister- and we fought to get on the slide. Of course, I got down first. I was pretty violent. When he got down we raced a bit and we fell in a heap on the side of the playground no one else was at. He told me his name and I told him mine. We told each other a bit about each other and found out we were going to the same school.

When we were six I was really popular. But I didn't stop talking to Trevor. I made him one of the most popular guys in the class.

After Preston began teasing me, Trevor was the first one at my side in the rain. I was sitting there, crying my eyes out, because they'd began calling me fat. Trevor hugged me and told me that I wasn't fat, I was perfect.

When Trevor lost his first girlfriend, we sat up in his room and threw darts at all her pictures. We ate ice-cream and laughed.

After high school we were pushed apart even more, but we just became closer. We were the best friends. We were like a forbidden friendship. But we were absolutely perfect. We would sit and laugh and (ew) throw our armpits at each other's faces. But we were amazing friends. We were always there for each other.

And I made sure each of his ex's got a nasty surprise after they dumped him. Melanie: Spider in her bag. Alice: Suddenly all of her clothes were missing after Gym practice. Callie: Every guy avoided her for a year because of her 'stench'. And Emma? Well...

Let's just say the wig department in the mall will have a good business this year.

But suddenly we kissed. And I was such a silly b****. I pushed him away. Like the rest. I could have dated the best, most amazing, cute, smart, caring guy in the world. But I found a way to fault him because I cannot handle closeness.

"I got your text."

I looked up and saw Preston standing above me. He sat down and I sighed.

"I said I was going. You didn't have to follow me." I smirked.

"Yeah. But I'm a super stalker. I HAD to follow you!" He laughed.

"You're not a good stalker."

"I am an AMAZING stalker!"

"One: You don't have a pervy camera. Two: You can't climb trees and Three: Stalkers don't talk!"

"One: I have an iPhone. Two: I so can and three: I'm a special stalker!"

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Really? You can climb trees? Okay, then! PROVE IT!"

"Well... I don't want to blow you away with my awesomeness." He shrugged.


"FIIINE!" He sighed and camply walked towards the nearest tree.

And in all of ten seconds, he was up the tree.

"Beat that, BITC*ES!!" He screamed.

"Okay, I WILL." I stood up and threw my bags down, climbing the tree. Knoticing how pressed up I was against Preston.

"Oh. You beat me." He looked sad.

"B*tches!" I whispered.

He chuckled and I noticed how nice he could be.

"I'm sorry, by the way." He whispered.


"For, you know, being so mean to you. I have got anger issues. But it's alright. I go to councelling now." He blushed a bit.


"And the stuff on Friday was really uncalled for. I'm so sorry about all those mean, stupid things I did. I practically raped you. You should take me to jail. Seriously, the world would thank you."

"Preston! Don't say that!"

"What? They all hate me, especially your buddy the man wh*re." He looked at me for a bit and continued. "After I began teasing you, he would tell me to stop. And as it progressed, so did his anger towards me. He would be really grumpy and..." He pulled out his arm and I saw a long, red scar down it. "He knew where the sharp objects where."

"Trev did that?"

"Yeah. About a month ago." He shrugged. "It hurt like hell for a while, but now I-" He was interrupted by my lips on his.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he grabbed my waist. He closed his eyes and deepened the kiss. Running my hands through his thick brown hair, I had to really try to keep my balance.

We broke apart and he was still grabbing my waist, and his forehead was pressed against mine, he was breathing heavily.

"Like that?" I chuckled, and he smiled.

"Mm." He nodded slightly, and touched my face with one of his hands. "You're so beautiful, Jo. Please, don't change too much."

What? Didn't he like my new clothes?

I have to admit, I was getting kind of chilly.

"You are just beautiful naturally." He grabbed my waist again and I smiled

The rain started to pour and our lips met again. And right now? Trevor was the last thing on my mind.

And right now? I was really, really confused.

A/N: OMG! Preston thinks she's beautiful!

So.. have the tables turned? Do y'all like Preston now? Or do you like Mysterious Guy?~ I do <3 u all! So next chapter I'm holding a contest for everyone!~

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