Chapter 6

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"CANA-" Aussie shouted, barging into Canada's room. Canada had been asleep, so he was super dazed when he woke up. "Australia? What- what happened?" Canada gently asked, morning voice still prominent. New Zealand quickly ran up behind him. "OhmigoshCanIamsosorry-" She started to ramble an apology, Australia trying to shut her up.

Canada, whom had barely started to adjust to his surroundings, was dazed. The way this morning was playing out seemed almost surreal. "Wha- What?" He managed to whisper. "Canada, you need to get up. RIGHT NOW." Aussie said.

"Why? What happened?" Canada immediatly got out of bed and put on his slippers. "The new search team is up." Kiwi said. Canada's eyes widened as he practically sprinted out of his room and jumped down the stairs. He was so focused on checking who was going to be in charge of finding his brother that he didn't even hear his younger siblings calling for him to wait up.

He darted past his mother, by the maids doing laundry, and out the back of the castle, toward the soldiers quarters. He was still just in his pajama pants, slippers, and red robe, so when he got to the large segment of the castle that the guards stayed in all messy and frantic, he startled quite a few of them.

Some of the soldiers gave him dirty looks, others congratulated him and pat his back. Canada was utterly confused of their actions, he hadn't done anything remotely worth celebrating in a good month, even more so now that America was gone.

He quickly spotted the paper with the new group on it and started to read it from the bottom up. Some of the soldiers were trustable and dependable, but if he knew his brother hardly anyone would be able to even start the search. He read up and up on the ranks, and stopped reading once he reached who was leading the party.

It wasn't his fathers best trained guard, or his mothers personal security, it was him. Written in the number 1 spot of the leading mission, was Canada. Ottawa. He stood there, mouth hanging open, in shock and confusion.

He could name about fifteen people who were better at fighting, hiding, you name it. And why him? He had never been on a mission before, much less a search. He didn't have an impressive rank, and he wasn't the most fit person in the castle.

He was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he didn't even notice his younger siblings panting and out of breath calling after him. "CANADA you prick!! We were killing ourselves running after you! What could have made you so worked up that you had to run off like that-..." Australia said, about to pounce Canada until he read the list. Now his reaction wasn't so far off from Canadas. "BOTH OF YOU GOOFS- What's wrong?" New Zealand asked, walking up behind the boys. She saw the list, and was put into shock as well. They were all so surprised they didn't even hear their father coming up behind them, laughing to himself.

"So, what do you three think of the team?"


Britain you silly goof!! I don't want to butcher his character so much, so maybe there might be a new antagonist coming up in future chapters? Sorry for this taking sososo long, lost motivation for a bit and was preoccupied with those big tests you have to take, the yearly ones that determine your point in the year or something, but I don't struggle academically thank the lord so I'm getting back on track!! I love seeing the English Family + France's side of the story, I love how chaotic the twins are, and how much I could do with the spot I put Nada in. Totally gonna use that to my advantage, hehe!!

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