Chapter 10

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Fuck. No way. Was dad truly this oblivious to Americas personal life outside of the castle? "Hello," The Chinese man greeted. New Zealand and Australia nervously looked between me and China. We had been on good terms for a while, and I never directly confronted him after what had happened between him and America, but right now I was practically fuming. "Hello, China." I said coldly. It was unnatural to hear me speak to someone like that, but I just straight up didn't like this guy.

Australia was glaring at China now, giving him a sickening fake smile. New Zealand quickly jumped in to try and dissolve some of the tension. "Hi, China." She said in a fake-friendly voice. She didn't like him just as much as the rest of us, but we all knew better than to start conflict. America was the one who did stuff like that. Father on the other hand, was treating him like one of his own. I looked over and gave father a face that said 'Literally-what-the-fuck.' It seriously pissed me off.

"I'm going to go to the training room." I said out loud to whoever was listening. I walked into the large double doors of the combat training room, and my anger was enough to clear out the room. I set down my water bottle on a bench and popped my neck. I was pissed beyond belief and I always came over here to beat the shit out of something before I beat the shit out of someone. I started to mercilessly hit and kick one of the punching bags, then turning around and practicing with the dodge machine.

I had my own little set up, it made it so that I was cornered and had to be aware of all my surroundings. I was running out of steam, before I heard the window being opened and what sounded like someone flying in. I turned to look and almost got knocked out by the dodge machine. I laughed and got up to turn off all the equipment. "OHMYGODIMSOSORRYCAN-" Said the intruder hurriedly. I laughed and looked up.

"Hi Kaz."



I have decided to open a one-shot book, (yayy!) Its in progress right now, but should be ready within the next week! I might do diff ships, but mainly RusAme. Anyway, the next chapter may take a while because I am going to be loaded with things to do when school starts again, but I will try and be somewhat consistent!!


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