Chapter 26

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Italy relaxed on her bed, sighing softly. Germany slept soundly next to her. It seemed like time had just flown by since Christmas. She laid there in silence when she heard a slight noise in the hall.

She sat up slowly, her curiosity driving her to get up and check up the sound. She saw a figure in the castle, dressed in all black. She narrowed her eyes and quietly snuck behind the figure. She then saw that it wasn't just one, but three figures in the castle snooping.

"Hey!" She shouted, grabbing one of the figures by the back of their neck.

All three of them turned to see her, and they all looked surprised.

"Åh shit." One mumbled.

The other figure was quick to act.

"Vi har blitt kompromittert! Head for the window!" The other said, jumping up onto a desk and slipping out the window.

Italy was about to shout, when the one she was holding elbowed her stomach. She doubled over, hissing in pain.

"Den kvinde.." The figure said, eyes wide and entranced as the other one turned around and dragged him out the window.

Italy just stared in shock.

"What..." She groaned out of pain. Her stomach hurt.

Monaco rushed in, followed by a disheveled Germany and a worried looking Poland.

"Italy!" Monaco shouted, rushing over.

Germany quickly ran over to assist Italy, Poland looking on.

"Should I call someone? What- what happened?" Kazakhstan shouted, bursting into the room.

The whole office was a mess, things knocked off the shelves and some stuff tipped over. The whole castle was a mess.

"Okay, I've got Ita. Monaco, go tell the maids and butlers that their work has come a bit early. Poland, Kazakhstan, patrol the area." Germany commanded.

They nodded and went off to do their commanded duties. Germany stared down at Italy, gently brushing some hair from her face before gently holding her and taking her to the infirmary.


China sat at the desk in the room Canada had provided for him, his pen gliding over the paper. He read it once, read it twice, then finally sealed it in an envelope. He went outside, and walked a ways away from the cabin. The hours of the day were much too early.

He finally got to the main trail and kept walking. The post wasn't too far from here.

Meanwhile, Ukraine woke up. He got up out of bed and saw Canada on the sofa, sleeping soundly. He watched Canada for a moment, his peaceful tranquility mesmerizing him for a moment. Ukraine wished so much better for him. He wished they could just find his brother, and that Canada would be happy again.

Ukraine ran his thumb over Canada's forehead, smoothing out the slight wrinkles from frowning so much.

As he sat next to the sofa, China walked back in. He removed his coat and spotted Ukraine and Canada.

"早上好, how was your sleep?" China asked.

"It was okay." Ukraine hummed.

China nodded, walking past them. He grabbed a tea cup from the kitchen and began making some.

"I sent out the letter." China said.

Ukraine raised an eyebrow.

"Who did you end up deciding on?" He asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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