Chapter 9

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Quick TW!

- depictions of  anorexia

- does cussing count as a trigger?

This is a mainly fluffy chapter, I felt like you guys could use it! It doesn't have any heavy duty angst, and the disorder isn't openly talked about, but if it does make you guys uncomfortable please skip. This chapter isn't all that important anyway, just establishing that America has a eating disorder. :)

America diverted eye contact. "Nothing, jus me bein' a bitch." he mumbled. America pulled his legs up to his chest and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders. Russia frowned. He didn't want to be pushy, but he's in terrible condition, and he isn't stupid.

 "America." Russia warned. "Okay, something did happen, but I don't want to talk about it." America said a-matter-of-a-factly. Russia had stubborn siblings, so he thought he could handle this. 

News flash, he couldn't.

 "America, I just want to know what happened." Russia said. America's brows furrowed and he turned his head. "If you don't tell me I can't help you. A lot of people would care if you got hurt." Russia said, trying to coax him into telling him the truth. America stayed silent. "What will your family do? I'm sure your father is worried about you-" 

"No he's not." America finally said. Russia's eyes widened at his response. Then he found himself getting upset, maybe it was just him being a bitch. "But America, he's your family-" "I don't want to talk about them, or what happened." America cut off. Russia felt a frown coming onto his face. He took a deep breath and tried to stay level-headed.

 "America help me to understand why you came here so... helpless." Russia said. America rolled his eyes and snorted. "Helpless is one way to put it. I think on-the-brink-of-death suits it more." Russia scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Okay then, I understand you were super injured and bruised, why?" He asked.

"Lets change the subject, 'kay? Do you have any instruments you play?" America asked bitterly. Russia would've gotten offended if he didn't know this was his reaction to pressure. Russia sighed and gave up. He decided he could just find out answers his own way. "Violin. I own a piano but never use it." America perked up at this.

"You have a piano? I play a lil' bit of piano and guitar, some cultural instruments." America said. Russia raised his eyebrow. America waited for him to realize. 'Oh right.' America was the melting pot, he had a mix of culture, of course he had some cultural habits. "Ah. Well are you hungry?" Russia asked. America seemed to tense up at the question. "No, no, I'm okay I just-" His stomach grumbled, contradicting his statement.

Russia grinned and stood up. "So you're hungry? I'll go get you some soup. I can eat with you here if you like." Russia said. America grumbled and nodded. 'He's so commanding, at this point he isn't even asking me questions.' Russia left the room and soon returned with two "large" bowls. (They were actually normally sized.)

Americas eyes widened slightly as he stared at the bowl in front of him. "That is- that is a lot is it not?" He said in an airy voice. "No?" Russia said, handing America spoon and fork. Russia started to eat, and he looked up to notice America just staring at it. "Is it gross? Are you allergic? If so I can-" Russia started before he was interrupted. "No, that isn't it." America said timidly. 

Russia studied America for a moment. "Okay, lets try this." Russia said as he picked up America's bowl and poured half of it into his own. "Just eat that." It was now significantly less, but it still made him nervous. "But- but that'd-" America started before he was shutdown by Russia. "I know it looks like a lot, but it isn't I promise. You can do it. At least a couple of bites?" Russia gently asked.

America picked up the spoon shakily. He took a small bite and quickly set the spoon down. Russia watched as he swallowed then quivered a bit. Russia finished his meal as America took a few more small bites. The same reaction every time, a gulp and tears which were quickly wiped away. Russia set his bowl aside and picked up the spoon for America.

Russia put a good amount of soup on the spoon and held it over the bowl. He set his hand under America's chin and tipped his face upwards. He slid it into America's mouth. "Don't swallow it." Russia gently commanded. America held it in his mouth for a painfully long 5 seconds, and right before Russia gave him the nod to swallow, he actually started tasting it. 

It tasted... good. Not like a poison that would kill him, not like the worst thing ever, it tasted rich. Flavorful. America swallowed and enjoyed it for once. He kind of hated it. He looked up at Russia who looked at him with a small, gentle smile. His hand rested gently under America's chin, keeping his head up. "How was it?" Russia asked in a soft voice. America smiled, but still felt tears prick the corners of his eyes. This time he let them fall. "Good." America responded, leaning on Russia's hand a bit. Russia moved his hand to hold America's face. 

"A few more bites, okay?" Russia said. America looked away from Russia's warm, amber-tinted eyes. He didn't know if he could. "Please, чудо?" Russia asked gently. America met his eyes again, feeling a little bit of determination fill his soul.




A little bit of fluff in honor of my very rare gentle vibe today. I know this is different from my original writing style, but this time I found a song and everything! I'm kinda proud of this chapter, I don't usually write fluff and this is like a bitter fluff, still an improvement of my last attempt!

Should I do more fluff? Or maybe not? I dunno, but I'm thinking about doing more fluff because it makes me tear up more than angst does sometimes. (IM WEIRD OKAY.) Maybe some heavy angst next chapter to hopefully not get you guys a bit too excited? I just wanted to highlight Russia's gentle and nurturing nature despite not always being like that, and Ame's wittiness that I find funny for no reason. How would you guys feel abt art? I just have a lot planned, and I'm rambling. Ima stop talking now. 

The Runaway Prince☘Rusameحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن