Chapter 22

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Russia held the envelope, a nervous sweat overcoming him. He had expected a letter back from Europe, he just didn't think it would be from Poland.

Of all the thoughts in his head right now, he was more worried about Germany. Why wasn't he responding? Was he okay? Even if he wasn't, he needed to find some sort of help for America. He had even contacted his brother, for goodness sake!

He knew America and the little bear he had officially dubbed as 'blanc' we're waiting for him, especially America with his recent clingy behavior, but he needed bravery to open the envelope. Which he had been all out of recently, just wanting to care for America.

He sighed and ran his hand over the back of the envelope, looking around. Maybe it was important. Or it wasn't. Or it was. He needed to open it either way.

Poland was never a bad man to him, even given what he had done before his restart. He was never bad to America either, always being particularly friendly with him. Maybe he was overreacting, maybe Poland just wanted to talk.

Russia finally opened the envelope, holding his breath. Inside were just a few words, but they were quite important. "I'm on my way." - Poland.

Russia stared at the envelope. He had been so good with being civil and not getting protective or aggressive, but now he clenched his hands at his side. If Poland decided to pull anything funny he would have his head on a stick and his blood on his hands.

Russia was about to start getting his army ready, but all he could hear was Americas voice calling for him. He looked toward the door to see America peeking outside, that innocent look on his face.

He looked like he was about to say something before Blanc pushed past him and rolled out into the snow. America giggled and quickly ran out with the bear, sitting in the snow to play with him. Russia sighed and looked at his friends. His family. The love of his life and his kid.

He smiled, the warmth in his eyes returning. He slipped the envelope in his pocket. Maybe instead he could greet Poland with a cup of tea and some good Russian food. He took another look at America, sitting in the snow and watching Blanc with a cute little smile.

Yes, maybe that would be better.


France scrubbed the stove, tears clouding her eyes. She was in the house, alone, again. Australia and New Zealand had went out to do whatever they did now that the boys were gone and Britain was out doing whatever on the one day of the month he officially had off.

She felt so forgotten these past few days, no longer having her boys to fall back on. She hadn't heard from any of them as of recent, and it was killing her. She trembled violently, trying to suppress sobs.

France had to sit down a moment, leaving the bucket of water and sponge on the floor. She finally cried for one of the first times since America had been gone, which had already been almost two months now.

She missed their silly movie marathons, their beach days, even just the nights where America or Canada would timidly sneak into her room and ask to sleep with her like children after a bad dream.

She felt incomplete without her boys home, like they had taken a part of her. And even if France was just America's step mom, it still hurt her to see the boy she watched grow up for most of his life just gone.

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