Chapter 20

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Canada watched as the boat halted in front of a seemingly deserted dock. He turned toward Ukraine, China, and all his other men, giving them a slight nod. "Well, I hope you find Stars 'n Stripes. When you do, tell him to come on over." Ireland said, putting a hand on Canada's knee. Canada offered Ireland a smile and nodded. "I will Uncle. Travel safe." With that, the troop rode off the boat and onto the deck.

Canada pulled out his map, he and America used to play out in these lands when they were younger so he was already familiar with the lands. Canada gazed at the towns surrounding him, the architecture so familiar, the smells and the language, he had missed this place. Canada put away his map and turned to his crew. "Alright, I need you all to trust me here. I know where we are going, even if it doesn't seem that way." Canada said, an nonreassuring smile on him face. Ukraine just hesitantly gave him a thumbs up, and China had a slight scowl on his face.

Canada and the others rode into the village, people eyeing them and speaking their native language. Canada put his head down and started his journey through the villages, this particular part of Mexico wasn't safe, gangs roamed this area. Ukraine got the hint, when she was a child and USSR was still present, she used to have to keep her head down for her safety because she was at risk for harrasment from the civilians. China didn't get the hint and Ukrainie had to pop his head down after she spotted a gang gathering up ahead. They weren't looking for trouble.

Canada eventually got on a small path that was much less inhabited and went up the path farther and farther. They had been on the trail for maybe 45 minutes before they saw a very traditional Spanish house on a hill. In the front was an older girl with curly-ish hair tied up kicking a ball around with two boys, one Ukraine recognized as Peru. From the looks of it, Mexico was having a get together.

Canada smiled as he saw the girl turn to the horses and shout something in Spanish, running towards them, the two boys close behind. "Canada!!" Mexico yelled, getting closer to the horses. After further inspection, Mexico was really pretty. Ukraine frowned slightly, she was prettier then he was. Canada made the horses speed up, and once he was close enough, he swooped her up into a hug.

"Hey Mico." Canada said, holding onto her with one had as he steered with the other. Mexico smiled brightly and held onto him as well, giggling. Ukraine was really trying not to be envious, taking the fact that Mexico and Canada would make a cute couple. She was on the shorter side and was stunning, and Canada was on the taller side and he was stunning. Ukraine had always felt basic, and now he felt even smaller next to her.

Canada made it to the front of the house and tied the horses in the front, the troop getting off their horses to stretch their legs and cool off. Canada carried Mexico off the horse then turned around to help Ukraine off the horse. Canada walked off to greet the other countries who were there as Mexico walked up to Ukraine.

"Hola amigo! What's your name?" Mexico asked, smiling and offering a handshake. Ukraine took her offer and smiled at her hesitanly. "I'm Ukraine. You must be Mexico?" He asked, tilting his head. Mexico smiled widely an nodded. "The one and only!" She said, letting go of his hand. "You look like you might get hot in that outfit. Want to borrow some clothes? I have plenty." She offered, attempting a friendship. Ukraine considered her offer, then nodded. "Okay. What about China, or Canada?" He asked, slightly worried. Mexico rolled her eyes playfully. "China needs some sun, Canada too. Let's go, you can meet some of the others!" She said, happily dragging him inside. Ukraine laughed slightly and followed her.

Canada watched with a smile on his face as his crush and best friend got along.


Mexico giggled and pushed a reluctant Ukraine out of her room and downstairs. Ukraine whined, asking for something else to wear other than just a poncho and some parachute pants, but Mexico insisted. "Come on Ukrai, you look great! I'll grab you a sombrero, and you can put your flower on it!" She said, dragging him downstairs. Ukraine blushed out of embarrassment. "Can't I at least have a shirt?" He pleaded, almost on the last step. "Nope, too hot outside." Mexico said loudly, finally getting to the first floor, attracting attention to the two.

Brazil raised his eye brows and smiled, an interested look in his eyes. "Hey Ukraine. Looking good, as usual." He complimented, winking. This caused Ukraine to blush even more. Canada walked in with Chile and Peru, spotting Ukraine and pausing. Mexico snuck a smirk to Canada and giggled, going into the kitchen to help Argentina cook.

Canada felt a little bit of jealousy build as he saw Brazil flirt with Ukraine, Ukraine getting all flushed and stuttery in response. Mexico rushed back into the room with a sombrero, jumping up to hand it to Ukraine. She walked away, toward Canada as Brazil helped Ukraine put it on, placing the flower on his head and saying something else to make him flush.

"Ay primo, give the chico a break. Also, stop being so espeluznante." She said, patting his back. Canada hadn't even noticed his death stare until now. He sighed and decided to stop being so possessive and jealous to the best of his ability. He walked over to Brazil and Ukraine with a smile plastered on his face.

He glared slightly at Brazil, Brazil only returning the favor. Ukraine looked between the two, a curious look on his face. "Hey Ukraine, Brazil." Canada said, getting more pissed by the second. "Hey Canada." Brazil said, putting his arm around Ukraines shoulders. Brazil was trying to make Canada jealous.

Mexico noticed and quickly came over to ask Brazil a favor, pulling him away from Ukraine and Canada. That didn't stop Canada from placing his hand on Ukraines lower back and having his eyes follow Brazil out. Ukraine did as well, sighing. He looked up at Canada and smiled, a small blush on his face. Canada saw the smile and returned the favor, his mood changing completely. He was going to have to keep an eye on Brazil.


I was able to post yay!! Anyway enjoy jealous Canada and oblivious Ukraine, and this piece of art (what Ukraine was wearing/what Mexico let him borrow)

I was able to post yay!! Anyway enjoy jealous Canada and oblivious Ukraine, and this piece of art (what Ukraine was wearing/what Mexico let him borrow)

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Also, should the next chapter be with Germany and Britain, Russia and America, or a continuation of this one? :)

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