Christmas Special (Late)

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Due to my lack of motivation and some of the current events going on in my life, I have not been able to even start on a single new chapter. My New Year's resolution will be to write more, so please do not be mad!!

Also, I'm working on a legitimate novel, so that is kind of taking up some of my time. Here's just some mindless Christmas brain rot and interactions between characters! I pulled these prompts right out of my notes, not much editing,, (*∩ω∩)

(Something similar to this will be posted on my one shot book.)


- Canada, China, & Ukraine

Canada: "Merry Christmas!"

Ukraine: "Merry Christmas to both of you."

China: "Merry Christmas."

Canada: "I've made you two something, actually." He says as he hands China and Ukraine both one small gift bag, each containing a small wood carving of their national animal.

China: "This is... very thoughtful. Thank you." China gratefully accepts the gift. He never really had friends to give him gifts before, so this means a lot to him.

Ukraine: "But I didn't get anything for you!" Ukraine says, a small, guilty smile on his face.

Before Canada could say anything, China chimes in.

China: "I know what you could give him." He says, a smirk on his face.

Canada: "China-"

Ukraine: "You do?"

China: "Yeah." He snickers. He grabs a piece of mistletoe off the cabins table and holds it over their heads.

Canada: "China!" Canada swats China away. "No, no, Ukraine, it's okay-"

Ukraine: He stands on his tippy toes and kisses Canada on the cheek. "Merry Christmas." He mumbles, quickly walking away with a red face.

China: He laughs as he watches Canada get all red. "Would you look at that... you devil." He teases.

Canada: "Oh... shut up!" Canada laughs, blushing profusely.


France, UK, New Zealand, Australia, Japan

France: "Merry Christmas!"

UK: "Merry Christmas, dear."

New Zealand and Australia wrestle each other down the stairs, trying to get the gifts under the tree. Japan follows behind.

Japan: "Oh, Merry Christmas you two." She smiles.

France: "Oh, Japan! Merry Christmas! Come to the kitchen with me, let's talk." She drags Japan to the kitchen for a quick little bit of girl time.

Australia: "Kiwi, this one's yours."

New Zealand: "Oh, okay, thanks. This one's yours."

The twins sort out the gifts, their father watching them to be sure that they don't get too rowdy.

Australia: "Dad? Why are there extra gifts?" He asks, noticing some are missing name tags.

UK: "Oh... those were- are, for the boys. When they get home." He said. He couldn't help but still get them gifts, he did still love them both.

New Zealand: "Oh.. Alright." She starts to open her gifts as Japan and France re-enter the room.

France: "Oh, dear, would you mind grabbing her gift? It's upstairs." She asks UK.

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