Chapter 14

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Canada thought about Kazakhstan's visit even once he was done letting out his pent up anger. Kazakhstan had always been a good friend, and it was really nice the way he came through. If America were here, they would have drank and laughed and whisked away within each other's company for the night. That's how it always was with America, Canada hoped that when he found him, he wouldn't have changed.

Once he left the training room, finally done letting out his inner feelings, he saw New Zealand, waiting around nervously. Canadas brow furrowed. What was she doing over here? And why wasn't Aussie with her? Canada walked up to her and tried to ask. "Hey Kiwi, what's going o-"

"Australia is being a wacko again and thinks he found America." New Zealand said, sharp and fast, and full of hidden hope and false doubt. She grabbed Canadas hand and dragged him away, toward the old tool shed in the back. You could hear a small mumbling sound coming from inside as New Zealand knocked thrice, with exactly one second between each knock. Australia opened the door and quickly pulled them both inside.

Canada knew about this old shed, the one father never used but never got rid of. It was the siblings hide-out, large enough for four. It was on the far edge of the lot, not even the maids knew it was there. The siblings had so many memories in here, often hiding personal stuff here, decorating the inside with shelves and stickers and pictures. Pictures of America lined the wall. There was a large cork-board with possible places in Europe or North America that America could be. Canada was proud to be the captain, but his twin siblings were the true geniuses of all his plans. Australia was oddly smart, and New Zealand was incredibly strategic, they were double the trouble.

"Can'da! I think... I think I did it." Australia said, flipping over the board to reveal the mess of research he had done. In big, circled, letters, was 'THE EURASIAN CASTLE'. New Zealand looked skeptical. Her guess was with Mexico, living his best life away with their close-almost-like-family-friend. Even Canada had to do a double take. "Aussie, I am not doubting your intelligence, but how did you come to this conclusion?" He asked, not wanting to sound rude. Australia smiled brightly. "Glad you asked.

"Last night It occurred to me that we were going off the places in North America and where he could have gone from North America, but think about it." Australia said, sounding focused. "We aren't in North America, we're in Europe! In order to get to Mexico's, he would have had to smuggle himself on Germany's ship. Now you may think, 'Germany and America are friends, that's totally possible,' Right? It is, BUT!! Mexico would return to the UK with America out of worry, and anywhere in Europe we would find him on a search, America isn't dumb." Australia said, pointing to certain pictures and post-its. "You know who wouldn't snitch on America to save his life if he spotted him? NORWAY. And Finland has been awful friendly with America as well, so he would gladly let America cross his territory! And the closest place out of official Europe is..." Australia said, pointing to the large letters.

Canada and New Zealand shared a look. "Yes, but then he would have just stayed with Finland?" She added in. Australia shook his head. He started, "No, because-" "Auss, there is so many more logical places he would have gone rather than the Eurasian Kingdom." She butt in again. Canada sighed. He agreed with his sister. "Look, We'll do the search on North America and Europe. If we don't find him, we'll look for him in Eurasia." Canada said, stepping outside. New Zealand followed, leaving behind a upset and slightly hurt Australia.


The family ate dinner, and the already awkward table became even more suffocating with China sitting in Americas chair, eating food out of Americas bowl. The family hadn't had a proper conversation ever since America left, and now the only thing you could hear was the clacking of spoons. Australia was stabbing at his food, being pissed off, and New Zealand seemed not fully present, barely poking at her food. Canada felt anger boil in his body, he needed to get up and sit somewhere else immediately. United Kingdom cleared his throat and spoke.

"Thank you for coming all this way for this mission, It means a lot to the English family." He said, his voice sharp, in attempt to cut the thickening tension. China looked up, and nodded at Britain. He gave him a smile and spoke, "No matter, It was a pleasure. Me and United States were friends back then, I am just here to help see for his well-being." China responded. Australia hissed, New Zealand looked away, and Canada glared at him. France hit the table lightly, gathering everyone's attention. She cleared her throat and spoke as well.

"Whatever the reason is, we hope you can find our boy. He was always the best at hide and seek..." She muttered the last part, looking to her shoes. Britain put his hand on her back lightly and gave her a reassuring smile. France smiled back at him, cupping his cheek briefly. The siblings shared a look.

Britain cleared his throat loudly and spoke again. "I wouldn't like this mission to be going for any longer than three months," He eyed Canada and China. China nodded and Canada sighed. Australia saw and frowned. 'What would America do..?' Australia laughed at that, he would have reprimanded their father then done something stupid, like spit a pea, full velocity, at Canada. So that's exactly what he did.

"Father, it would be best to not rush this mission, this is the mission you are counting on to bring your son back." Australia said in a sweet tone. Then he turned to Canada, and smirked at him. While Britain was attempting to recover from shock, Canada gave Australia a playfully horrified look as he shoveled a spoonful of peas into his mouth. Then, Australia discreetly picked up his straw and spat all of them directly at Canada. The others at the table sat there, dumbfounded, for a few seconds, before Canada stood up, a mischievous grin on his face. New Zealand already knew what was about to happen and giggled at the sight of Canada, covered in smooshed up peas.

Canada chucked a piece of chicken at Australia and it hit him straight in the face. New Zealand burst out laughing along with France, Britain just looked at the boys, and started to tell them to stop, dread lacing his voice. China raised his eyebrow, confused. Australia threw his mashed potatoes at Canada, and a short food fight ensued. Britain just sat down in defeat, chuckling. The chaos was nice, it reminded him of older times. 


Canada got out of the shower and bid his family goodnight. As he entered his room, he stared at Americas stuff, his bed, dresser, posters. It was all untouched. Canada sighed and got into Americas bed, he had been sleeping there for the past week. It made him feel a little closer to America. He snuggled into the sheets, taking in his lingering smell. Tears pricked his eyes, he missed his brother so unbelievably much, and he hoped, begged the gods, for his safety.

He was going to find America.

He promised.


Ohonhon.. 😈 we get more RusAme next chapter, take advantage of it... Also!! Canada and China are going to have some major moments, some good some bad, our expedition starts soon..


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