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Hi. Don't worry, I'm not quitting this book or planning on taking a break, though this next chapter is gonna take a while to get out. I do believe yall deserve an update, or a reason why I'm updating so slowly all of the sudden! I get random bursts of motivation and writers block in a odd pattern ALOT. So I'm thinking about opening a one-shot request book or starting multiple projects so that If I happen to be unmotivated without ideas for this book, yall have something to read. I really enjoy writing and love suggestions from you guys, so please leave some, especially about new projects you may want to see! The one-shot book would have a bunch of different writing styles and maybe even a collab with some friends, so please let me know what you think!! I have a thousand ideas for other books, but I'm gonna for-sure finish this. I know not a lot of people will read this, just letting some people know.

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