Chapter 25

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Australia picked at his food, a look of soreness on his face. The air was oddly tense. Japan awkwardly sat at the table, shifting around. She was hyper-sensitive to spiritual things, so she needed to make the air less packed together in order to be comfortable.

"So... What's the next holiday coming up? I know for America it would be.. Thanksgiving." She said, taking a short moment to think about it. Australia nodded.

"Yeah. America would bring all this food and actually have a sit down dinner with us." New Zealand smiled at the thought. France laughed.

"Yes, he would! He would always try and get us to dance with him after we ate, but he would nearly kill your poor father with all that food." She said, a smile on her face.

Britain grumbled. "And that little maniac would still play his music and tell me to dance with him." He said. There was a slight fondness of his voice. Like it was more a happy memory than a sad one. He wished he would have just danced with America. Maybe just once.

"Yeah, and thats just an America thing. Everyone else wants to watch movies or chillout or drink, but America dances." Australia recounted.

"Canada celebrates it too, doesn't he? How I wish he'd come home for the holidays.." France sighed. The silence was once again, deafening.

Japan spoke first. "Maybe you could try and make some thanksgiving meals, it might help heal some inner turmoil associated with the holiday."

France seemed to like that idea. "Oh, Japan! What a wonderful idea! We could make a turkey, and... oh what is it that America brings that I like so much? You know, the chicken-cube-things.." Britain laughed.

"The stuffing, dear. You rave over it every year." He says, patting her hand. She laughs.

"Oh yes! Of course, the stuffing! How would I live without you?" She smiled and looked at Britain. He blushed, a flustered smile on his face.

"Oh, well... you..." He stuttered a little. Japan giggled at the sight. Australia and New Zealand made faces to each other.

"Well, I think that the pies are the best part." Australia announced. New Zealand shook her head.

"Oh you and your sweet tooth. Choose a food, Aus." She said lightheartedly. Australia stuck his tongue out at her. She scrunched up her nose at him.

Japan smiled at the sight of the functioning family. It was sweet to see. She felt some negative energy in the air. When she tried to figure out where it came from, she realized it was her own. She sighed softly. Maybe this holiday would help heal her too.


Ukraine messed with a string on the back of the horse they shared with Canada. The forest never seemed to go away. She looked over at China's horse, and saw him staring ahead. He looked ahead too.

There was a pretty wood house ahead. It looked to be pretty remote, and didn't seem like anyone lived there.

"Canada? Where are we going?" Ukraine asked curiously. Canada offered a smile.

"I thought we could break for a little. Traveling the world is tireing is it not? Before we go into Russia through Alaska, we should rest up." He said, going towards the house. There was a beautiful lake near it, but it was frozen due to the cool weather.

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