chapter seven

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Shelby and Jasie held up the beach towel while I stripped off my wet shirt, pants and even my bra. Thanks to Ashtyn's antics I would be spending the rest of my night in nothing but Cole's new white t-shirt and a pair of his grey senior sweat pants he had found in his car and politely gave to Kaitlyn to bring to me. His clothes were big on me with him being around 5'10 with broad shoulders and me only standing at 5'2, but they were comfortable and smelled like Cole.

"I can't believe that bitch did that!" Kaylee said, while sorting everyone's food out.

"I was ready to play slap-a-hoe," Jasie chimed in claiming a spot on the giant blanket pallet Cole and I had finished laying out moments before disaster struck.

"We're y'all together long or something Cole?" Kaitlyn asked.

"No we were only together like a month before I found out she was partying with this other guy. She 'accidentally' sent me pictures of them doing, um, things," Cole replied uncomfortably, "I broke up with her almost three weeks ago and told her to lose my number."

"So she truly is trash," Shelby stated as they all found their places to sit and eat. I was grabbing the last of the blankets out of the car when Cole came up behind me.

"I think that shirt may look better on you than it ever did on me," he said looking me up and down and making my heart skip a beat.

"Thanks loser," I replied sticking my tongue out at him.

"Stick your tongue out at me again and I will bite it," he said trying to sound serious.

"Is that a threat or a promise, Colton?" I teased using his whole name.

"Why don't you stick it out and find out BG," he said closing the small gap between us and brushing my now waving hair back from my face.

When I looked up at him I could see the smirk on his face but there was a hint of something else. Just a small flash. He looked nervous like he was unsure of what he wanted to do or maybe how I would react. I wanted him to close the gap between our lips and kiss me more than anything in that moment. Just the thought of him putting his full lips to mine made me bite my lip the same way he did seeing me do it. I wanted to be the one biting his lip.

"What's on your mind BG?" He whispered with his hand still against my cheek and his other hand holding mine.

"I, um, was thinking about-" I was cut short by Kaylee.

"Y'all better come eat before the psycho reappears and stomps your food!" She said breaking Cole's trance on my thoughts.

Cole dropped his hand from my face and smiled down at me. Still holding my other hand he led me to our spot on the blanket pallet where my sister had sat out our food.

"I could've paid for our food," Cole stated, "I mean I did invite you on this date."

"It was easier for them to just go get the food all at once," I giggled at the thought of him being upset over not buying me food, "Besides if we wouldn't have been here then Ashtyn wouldn't dumped her drink on me and I wouldn't be wearing your comfy clothes."

"Well then I may just owe her a thank you," he smirked, looking at his clothes on me again.

"Whoa now let's not get crazy, She did assault me with a flying cup of UV Blue Vodka," I joked as we ate and the opening title began to play across the big screen.

"Hey Brooke," Kaylee asked, "can we sit in your car to watch the movie? We're cold"

"As long as everyone is done eating and no one spills any drinks sure," I replied handing her my key, "and make sure the lights are off so they don't interrupt anyone."

"Thank you!" They all sighed in relief as they cleaned their mess and piled into the car.

Now it was just me and Cole on the big blanket pallet. It wasn't cold yet but the temperature was dropping and my body was starting to react with no bra the keep my boobs warm and nipples hidden. As if it wasn't hard enough to keep them put away when they were contained now without support my best option was probably to wrap myself in a blanket before anyone, especially Cole, could notice.

"Are you okay ba- Brooke?" He asked barely catching himself before something other than my name came out.

"I'm okay just getting cold," I smiled as we both finished our food and sat our trash aside

"I think I can help with that," he said standing up, "lay down and get comfy."

As instructed I layed down on the pallet and got as comfortable as I could. Laying on my side facing the big screen I felt a blanket go over me as Coke covered me up with three heavy blankets. Then I felt him lay down behind me leaving some space between us but not much. It was my turn to play passively with him so I scooted closer to him almost touching him but not quite.

"Hello there," he whispered since the movie had started.

"Hey," I said rolling over to fact him and closing the safe space between us while I involuntarily but my lip.

"If you don't stop biting your lip," he said, "I'm going to have to do it just to see what makes it so fun to you."

"You wouldn't," I called his bluff again

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