chapter eight

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Cole shifted on his side holding his head up with one hand,mirroring me, and gently, almost like he was asking at first, he put his other hand on my side. His touch was like fire even through my shirt. I felt the heat grow as he began to draw little circles with his finger on my side right above my hip. I bit my lip again, reaching out my hand and laying it against his warm chest only shielded by a zip up hoodie. He slid his hand to the small of my back bringing me closer to him, our faces almost touching.

"We don't have an audience this time," Cole said staring in my eyes.

"That's true," I whispered, biting my lip again, wondering if he noticed my uneven breathing or my heart beating out of my chest.

"There you go biting your beautiful lips again," he said his voice husky as he moved his hand from my back to my face.

"I'm sorry," I said, turning my face into his hand.

"Never be sorry for being you," he smiled his million dollar smile and turned my face back to his, "can I kiss you?"

The smartass part of me, the one that's always existed so easily with Cole, wanted to correct him for using can instead of may but I couldn't find my voice. I nodded at him and he gently tipped my chin up and brought his face closer to mine. The moment our lips touched a new fire started in my soul. His kiss was gentle and soft but around the edges it burned with a passion for more. His lips were soft against mine and all too soon gone as he pulled away leaving the cool night air to replace the warmth of his breath on my face. We locked eyes, trying to read each others thoughts, then we both started to laugh.

"I was beginning to worry I would have to make the first move," I giggled.

"I would have done it sooner," Coke responded, moving his hand back to my waist, "but I didn't want everyone to see in case you slapped me or something."

"Oh is that what gets you going," I laughed reaching up to play slap him on the face.

"Hey now," he teased, grabbing my hand and kissing it before I could connect with his cheek, "let's save the violence for later."

"Fine," I said, rolling my eyes at him, "I'll save to violence for when I push you against your car!"

"Oh like this?" He questioned as he quickly but gently pushed me on to my back and hovered above me.

"Yeah," I breathed as I reached up and pulled his face to mine again as I laced my fingers through the start of his curly hair.

We kissed again. This time with more passion as my lips parted and he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. His body pressed into mine yet he held his weight off of me as our tongues danced together. I almost forgot we were in public until he pulled away and sat up bringing me against him in his lap.

"You are dangerous woman," he laughed brushing my hair out of my face.

"You're more dangerous to me," I retorted, "seeing as you're still a minor and I'm an adult."

"Oh please, you're barely older than me," he scoffed, "besides getting with an older woman is kind of hot."

"Great now I'm a cougar," I said sarcastically.

"Not just any cougar but my cougar," Coke said.

"Wait who said I wanted to be your anything," I said trying to sounds all serious and raising my eyebrow at him.

"Oh my bad," Cole back tracked, "I guess I should ask. Brooke Grayson would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"Hmm," I pretended to think hard and ponder my options, "I thought you would never ask."

I used my same line from our first kiss making Cole smile as he pulled me closer to him. In that moment I knew I felt something more than friendship with him. He was like the breath of fresh air I needed to inhale after being underwater but until this moment I never knew I was drowning

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