chapter twenty-six

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I tamed my hair into a halo of curls and set to work covering my face in makeup. The bruise was in its worst stage now being a dark black and blue splotch across my cheek bone, Eli has suggested rubbing it with a banana peel to make it fade faster, something he learned from his grandma I'm sure. I swiped concealer across it but soon realized I would need something way lighter to start with so off to Kaylee's room I went. My stepdad, Rob, had picked everyone up from the bus stop on his way home from the airport so Kaylee, Kaitlyn, Jasie and Shelby were all in her room when I walked through the door.

"I need help with my face," I stated repinning my hair back out of my face.

"Holy crap," Kaitlyn said, making the other three turn around to gasp at my bare bruised face.

"I forgot y'all haven't seen it ," I laughed at their horrified expressions.

"So it was you that got scrappy with the probation officer," Shelby gasped.

"It was self defense," I defend myself, I didn't just go around hitting people, "she came at me."

"More power to you," Jasie laughed pulling me to a spot on the bed, "she had it coming I'm sure."

"Let's see what we can do about this face tho," Kaylee said as she grabbed her cheer makeup.

I spent the next 30 minutes laying in the middle of all of them as they covered my face like it was a pageant night. At one point Shelby went to grab the black dress I was planning to wear for the night and had me try it on while the concealer was setting into my face.

"I think it's too long," she said, stepping back to take the whole dress in.

It was black and form fitting with off the shoulder sleeves and it zipped into a choker. The neckline had a dip in the front exposing my cleavage in a subtle way.  It hit just above my knees with no slits in it so I could see where it was awkwardly long.

"Cut it," I said as Shelby kneeled in front of me and started tucking the dress under itself and pinning until it rested halfway up my thighs.

"I'm guessing Cole is working tonight," Jasie said as she pulled out her nail kit, "sports seasons are all over so it's time to do your nails."

"Guys we're all going to dinner as a family," I laughed at how they all decided I needed to be dressed up and pampered, "it's not like it's prom or graduation."

"Oh hush," Kaylee said, hitting me with the biggest makeup brush she had, "you need to start dressing better anyways. You can't dress like you normally do in college."

"Fine," I sighed, rolling my eyes, I didn't see a problem with my normal jeans and tank tops or T-shirt but I guess they were kind of boring.

"Strip. I need to put a hem in this dress so when Cole takes it off of you later it can still be the perfect length," Shelby laughed at my taken back expression, "it's not like y'all haven't done it before."

"Omg they haven't!" Jasie exclaimed.

"No freaking way," Kaitlyn gasped.

"He's hot tho!" Shelby blurted, turning my attention and a glare at her, "What? I was just saying he is."

"You're right," I sighed thinking about Cole with his broad shoulders and dark curls that framed his emerald green eyes.

"You know Cole is nothing like him," Shelby said in a low tone; I was so lost in thought I didn't realize everyone else had left to shower.

"I know," I said meeting her eyes that had a touch of rage in them, "Cole is in it for more than sex. All Riley wanted was to fuck the virgin."

Riley was my ex boyfriend who stared as my childhood best friend. We had grown up together and he was actually my first kiss when I was like six. After my dad died Riley became my shoulder to cry on, and we ended up secretly dating. At first it seemed just like your normal teenage relationship, but soon I became so much different. He knew I had never done anything sexual with anyone and he promised he wouldn't try to change that unless I was ready. One night after we spent the day together Riley had taken me home when he stopped at the end of my mothers dirt road and started kissing me. Before I knew it was happening, he drug me into the backseat and pinned me underneath him. I'm tired of waiting, so I'm just going to take what's mine, he said as he fumbled to pull my shirt off. I tried to wiggle loose underneath his weight pushing my hands against his chest, but he was much stronger than me. He gave up on trying to take my shirt off and started tugging at the top of my shorts. If you would just hold still the fuck still, this would be so much easier, he growled.  I felt a tear run down my face as he successfully ripped my shorts down my thighs. He leaned off me to undo his pants keeping me pinned with his thighs on either side of my now bear hips. Please stop, I whimpered. He didn't listen as he moved further up my body, forcing himself into my mouth, gagging me while holding onto my hair. Now that's a good girl, he laughed as another tear escaped my eye. He took himself out of my mouth and slid down between my bare thighs, where he had ripped both my shorts and underwear exposing me. You're going to take this like the dirty slut you are, he spat forcing his fingers inside me, see you're already soaked for me. He pulled his fingers out and all I felt next was pain as he forced himself into me and I screamed. Using the leg he didn't have a hand on I swung my foot upward and caught my heel against his nose causing his head to fall back into the roof of the car. In the same motion I flung the door open and rolled onto the dirt. You stupid bitch, Riley snarled as blood poured from his nose. Without thinking I grabbed my bag from the front seat floorboard and ran, half naked, in the darkness of night to my house. I quietly slipped inside and into my bathroom where I sat against my bathtub letting the tears stream down my face.

"Forget about Riley," Shelby smiled and pulled me to my feet, "you have an amazing man now."

"He is pretty awesome," I gave my best fake smile, I wasn't going to let the thought of Riley ruin my fun tonight.

"I think you mean pretty and awesome," she joked pulling me to my feet as we headed to my room to finish changing clothes and get the night started.

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