chapter fifty-one

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Brooke's POV

I stood at my locker waiting for Cole to appear and grab my bag, give me a quick peck and walk me to class but he still hadn't shown up. I checked my phone again before slinging my bag over my shoulder and walking down the hall to Physics alone. We hadn't talked much over spring break with my being out of the country and him helping out his grandpa. We kind of replied to each other's texts as we got them, which was only a few times a day. I had spent most of my time with Shelby drinking by one of the many pools on the boat, laying on the beach or swimming with the pigs and sharks. Apart from taking pictures I left my phone on airplane mode until right before bed so no one could burst my vacation bubble until I got back.

"Hey sexy," Zane said as he fell into step beside me, "you ran away to the beach and came back looking like some long haired tanned goddess."

"Oh so you like the new hair?" I laughed as I flipped my now long chocolate brown to blonde ombre hair over my shoulder. Mom had suggested getting my hair done on the boat since it was almost prom and I needed a refresh in her words.

"Honestly I almost didn't recognize you until I saw your stupid bag," he laughed poking my teal and gray polka dotted bag, "why are you carrying that thing anyways? Doesn't Matthews usually carry it like the whipped pack mule he is?"

"I wouldn't know," I said annoyed at Cole since I hadn't heard from him, "I haven't talked to him since I got back Saturday night."

"Well then I will just have to find his dumbass and beat some sense into him," Zane laughed trying to keep the light tone, "Anyways I'll catch you at lunch!"

"See ya!" I laughed as I walked into Physics and took my seat to begin class.

Cole's POV

I finally pulled into the school parking lot halfway through fifth period right before lunch. This morning had not gone to plan from having to take my mom to work because her car wouldn't start, to getting a flat, to running my phone over it had been one heck of a morning but I was so ready to see Brooke and ask her a very important question. I shoved my keys in my pocket and walked into the office to check in as the secretary looked at me over her glasses.

"Whatcha got there Mr. Matthews?" she asked, noticing the donut box in my hand.

"Just some donuts for lunch," I smiled as she came over and looked at the box while I opened it to show her what was inside, "see just donuts for lunch."

"Oh Colton," she laughed seeing what I had done, "go on and get the bell will be ringing any second."

I headed to the cafeteria as the bell rang letting the classes out and everyone flooded the hallway. I ducked through the cafeteria door just as I felt a tug on my backpack I never wore for this exact reason. I spun around to find Rebecca glaring up at me with a scowl on her face.

"You best explain yourself," she said as she pulled me into the lunch line, "I told you I would fuck you up if you hurt her and I swear Colton if you-"

"Whoa there Rebecca," I said holding my hands up in a show of innocence, "I ran my phone over this morning after changing a flat so I haven't been able to call anyone."

"Why did you drop off the face of the earth after the party?" she asked, crossing her arms over her small frame trying  to look intimidating, "no one has heard from you since last Saturday and you didn't show up to work this last weekend either."

"I know I should've told someone I was alive but I had to get some things straight," I said somewhat happy she had got to me before Brooke or even Zane since she was letting me talk, "I spent spring break in Fayetteville at my pops house helping him out and search for apartments in the area for this Fall. I wanted to find somewhere that would allow Brooke to be able to have her own space to study so she could chase those big dreams she has but would also let me be part of her life, if that's what she still wants of course, and then find some sort of job so she wouldn't have to worry about bills and school. You know, just try to be prepared for adult life I guess."

"Wow Cole," Rebecca smirked, "I must say I'm impressed."

"Thank yo-" I said before she slapped me on the arm, "what was that for?"

"Being a dumbass and running off without telling anyone," she laughed as we grabbed trays and headed to the table, "what's in the box?"

"It's for Brooke if she looks at it before beating my ass," I laughed as I opened it to show her, "think she'll like it?"

"I think it's right up y'all's alley," she laughed as I noticed Brooke walk in with Zane and Eli.

To say she was gorgeous would have been an understatement. Her skin had a beautiful sun kissed tan that was covered by jean capris with the million rips she loved so much and a Rolling Stones t-shirt she had tied up in the back so it hugged her curves perfectly. She had changed her shoulder length hair so it hung in curls down her back changing from a chocolate color to a caramel blonde. She must've felt me staring as she whipped her head around and locked my eyes with her beautiful green stare. I felt Rebecca's hand on my face as she closed my mouth and Brooke laughed at me then turned and said something to Zane as they grabbed their trays and headed to our table. I sat down and waited for them to get to our table as she slid in beside me flipping her hair over her shoulder sending the intoxicating smell of coconuts from her body wash and lotion to captivate me.

"Hey loser," she said smiling at me, "I missed you."

"I missed you more BG," I smiled back at her, words could not explain how much I had missed her this past week. I missed the sound of her voice and the softness of her touch. She was intoxicating to me.

"So any reason I had to carry my own bag today?" She asked and I explained how my morning went, "well damn you really fucked up today."

"I noticed ," I smirked as I grabbed the box of donuts I had hid behind me, "I got you something."

"Ooo donuts!" She exclaimed as I sat the box down and waited for her to open it, "Aw Cole!"

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