chapter twenty-eight

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"Be safe," Shelby giggled as she hugged me and slipped something down the front of my dress, "make good decisions."

"I hope Zane feels better!" my mom yelled after me as she hopped into my stepdads truck beside my sister who had called shotgun forcing the rest of the girls into the backseat of the black GMC Sierra.

"I'm sure he just needs some gatorade," I knew it would take more than that but it would be a good start, "be sure not to wait up for me!"

"Don't forget you have court Thursday morning missy," my mom warned me as my stepdad started to back out of the parking space, "you can skip school all you want but you can't skip court!"

"I won't miss court mom," I laughed and waved as they pulled out onto the highway as I climbed into my car, locking the doors and starting the engine.

For the first time in days I was finally alone with my thoughts. I hadn't noticed how many people were constantly near me until this moment. We lived in a nice sized house with plenty of room, even though I shared a room with Shelby it didn't feel cramped, and there was more than enough room outside on the deck if the inside was feeling claustrophobic. Rob had partially moved in with us last summer but he still had his house in town for when they wanted to escape all of us. I couldn't blame him, family was nice but sometimes silence was needed. My phone had connected to my car's bluetooth quietly filling the silence with Kings of Leon's Use Somebody making me smile as I thought about how this song had connected to my life. I had spent so much time in high school dating different people trying to convince myself I didn't like Cole as more than a friend, yet when he finally got in what I thought was a serious relationship, I realized how much he had actually meant to me. I wasted so much of my time avoiding my internal need for him I almost missed what has been staring me in the face for four years. I love Cole Matthews, I have since the first time I laid eyes on him freshman year, I just hoped it would be enough to keep us together when I moved to Fayetteville this fall. A loud ping from my phone interrupted my song as I grabbed it to see a message from Cole.

Are you still coming? He asked. I pressed the call button as I buckled my seatbelt and put my car in reverse.

"Hey beautiful," Cole's husky voice filled my car thick with the Jack I'm sure Zane had convinced him to drink.

"Hey loser," I giggled pulling on to the highway heading to the gas station up the road to grab gatorades for my boys.

"Are you still coming over?" Cole asked. I could almost hear him hold his breath as he waited for my answer.

"Hmm, I may just go home and cuddle my pillows," I said, knowing I would much rather be snuggled up against his chest, wrapped in his warm embrace.

"Aw," he sounded so sad at the thought of me going home to my lonely bed, "I guess thats okay but I was really hoping to hold you again while you snore."

"I do not snore Colton!" I laughed, pulling into the station and grabbing my wallet to run inside, "I'll be over in a few minutes. I'm grabbing gatorade since it sounds like you two have probably killed at least one bottle tonight."

"Fuck yes gatorade," Cole all but yelled, "I fucking love you Brooklyn Grayson. You don't even know how much. Hurry up and get here."

"I think I might," I replied with the dumbest smile on my face, "I'll see you soon."

I had forgotten I was wearing heels and a short dress as I got out of my car and teetered on the slim heel of my stiletto balancing myself against the seat as I reached for my wallet I had dropped on the seat. I could feel someone staring at me as I turned around to see Juan standing with some of the guys I recognized from the last two years' football team gathered around their trucks that were parked between me and the front door. My eyes caught his as he took a hit off the swisher joint Henley, last year's quaterback, handed him. Henley followed Juan's stare to me looking me up and down before finally realizing who I was.

"Holy fucking shit!" Henley yelled causing all the guys to look at him then at me, "Is that Brooke fucking Grayson?"

"Well fuck me," Weston, a linebacker from two years prior, exclaimed sitting his beer down on the tailgate, "it is our little Brookey!"

"Fuck bro," Sammy, last years star running back, undressing me with his eyes as I started to walk past them, "our little Brookey isn't so small anymore. Got damn Brooke you filled out nicely."

"Thanks," I muttered as I walked past them but was stopped when someone grabbed my arm.

"Where are you off to so fast and dressed like that?" Henley all but growled holding on to my arm, turning me to face them.

"None of your fucking business," I said fighting the urge to punch him in the jaw for grabbing my arm.

"Someone has got feisty," Sammy said circling to stand behind me, "that's hot Brookey."

"Looks like she is on her way to get laid," Weston laughed as he grabbed the condom I had forgot was in the top of my dress. Damnit Shelby.

"Of course you're already fucking him," Juan finally spoke glaring at me, "I figured you would at least hold out until prom."

"Not that it is any of your concern," I jerked my arm away from Henley and stepped to Juan, "but I haven't fucked anyone."

"Sure you haven't," he stood up off the tailgate to look down at me, even in six inch heels he had at least five inches on me, "you're just parading around alone dressed like a skank for no reason."

"Fuck you Juan," I said turning to head into the store but running in Weston instead, "Excuse me Wes."

"I don't think it's time for you to leave just yet," Sammy said from beside me brushing his hand down my arm, "can't let that outfit go to waste now can we."

"Don't touch me," I tried to sound threatening as I pushed Sammy's hand off me and tried to walk past Wes again, "please move Wes."

"Nah Brookey Sammy is right," he said licking his lips, "that dress and those heels are so nice together. Why don't you give us a little dance?"

"Why don't you go to hell," I spat at him turning around to walk back towards my car but Henley stepped to block my path, "Get the fuck out of my way."

"Come on Brookey," Henley said stepping so close to me I could smell the beer and weed on his breath as he grabbed my shoulders, "you know you've always wanted us."

"Maybe in your sick dreams asshole," I said as I tried to wriggle free from his grasp. I should have just went to Zane's and forgot the gatorade.

"They say dreams have a way of coming true," Henley said as he pressed his face against my neck and bit me.

"Henley stop," I said trying to shake him off me.

"I don't think so Brookey," he growled into ear as he pressed himself against me, "I've waited too long to have a chance at you since you were always such a prude. Now just relax and let me touch you the way only a real man can."

"Juan make him stop," I said looking at Juan who was behind Henley.

"No," Juan said coldly as he turned to walk away, "this is what you deserve."

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