chapter eighteen

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After grabbing food from Steak-n-Shake we went to play mini golf where we all split into teams of boys vs. girls so they guys could go ahead and we could chat as girls do.

"So where are y'all from?" I asked Mandi and Thea while Rebecca took her shot at hitting the ball through the clown's mouth.

"I'm from here," Mandi replied, "but Thea is from St. Louis. We're both freshman at the University of Missouri tho and we're roommates!"

"Oh I hear Mizzou's campus is really pretty!," I wondered if Zane had mentioned we were all still in high school.

"We are technically still high school seniors," she laughed, noting my expression, "we just got to move in a semester early since we were taking distance classes anyways."

"I wish our school had something like that! All we get are the distance classes but no chance to go to an actual campus," I had taken all the distance classes our school offered by the end of my junior year and now filled my schedule with study hall or blow off classes I didn't really care about, except Physics.

"It's your turn Brooklynnnnn," Rebecca annoyingly used my whole first name and earned an eye roll form me.

"Watch it Becca," I laughed as she returned the eye roll for shortening her name.

"Your friend group is interesting," Thea snarkily commented.

"How so?" Rebecca asked.

"Well you are obviously with the blonde guy and have been for quite sometime," Thea said as she turned her attention from Rebecca to me, "but you are still really good friends with the blonde one despite their relationship."

"What are you getting at?" I asked slightly concerned about where she was headed with this observation of hers.

"Well you're either related to him or you two fucked at some point and decided it wasn't your thing," she said smiling, "So which is it?"

"Actually it's neither," I laughed knowing this was how most people viewed our strange group, "I was originally only friends with Zane but then he introduced me to Cole and we became our own little friend group. Then Eli joined in and eventually he started to date Rebecca who also became part of the group. There's also Juan who started hanging out with us because he and Zane played football together. "

"So there's only two girls amongst the six of you?" She questioned, building some new theory in her head.

"Yes," I said wondering what she was getting at.

"And you haven't had sex with any of them?" She said looking suspicious.

"No," I laughed still confused.

"So are you gay?" She asked, "I mean they're not just average guys. They're hot. And you haven't had sex with any of them even though two of them cannot keep their eyes off you?"

"No I'm not gay," I laughed and so did Rebecca.

I had never been accused of being gay. Most people just assumed I was related to one of them. But I knew we did have very attractive male friends and, until recently, I hadn't shown an outward interest in any of them. The only person I had ever admitted my feelings for Cole to was Zane who had sworn to secrecy. I hadn't even told Rebecca until a month ago but she said she already knew.

"Okay so prove it," Thea challenged me.

"And just how am I supposed to do that?" I said sarcastically. Maybe we should tell her Cole and I are a thing but it seems more fun this way.

"Go up to one of them and kiss them," she challenged, with a smirk on her face, "With. Tongue."

If I didn't have such feelings for Cole and we weren't together I would have walked over to Zane immediately and kissed him just to watch her face. She said either of them but I knew she was attracted to Zane, she couldn't keep her hands or eyes off of him. Maybe I should kiss him just to spite her but what would Cole think? I pulled my phone out to text him praying he would answer.

This chick just accused me of being gay then said I have to kiss either you or Zane to prove it otherwise. I texted Cole quickly.

"So are you going to do it or are you a lesbo chicken?" Thea mocked.

"Oh I'm going to do it," I said as my phone dinged.

Screw that bitch. Kiss Zane just to fuck with her. Cole replied with a demon smile emoji that he's never used.

I handed Rebecca, who had been quietly smirking at Thea's stupidity, my putt putt club and headed over to the next hole where the guys were. Cole smiled a mischievous smile at me as he stepped back to let me grab by the arm and spin him to face me.

"Brooke what the-" Zane started to say.

I cut his sentence short when I grabbed his shirt and pulled his face to mine, lacing my fingers in his hair. I ran my tongue across his slightly parted lips as I felt his hands on my waist moving toward my ass. She wanted a show, she would get a show. Zane wasn't a bad kisser but he was nothing like Cole. His kiss was pure lust while Coles had passion and a yearning for more. I pulled away from Zane, gave him a smile and a wink and turned to walk back to the girls. Thea's mouth was on the ground and her eyes were wild as if I just took her favorite toy.

"No lesbian chicken here," I laughed, with a smirk on my face now, "also he's a pretty good kisser so I'd recommend trying that later."

Rebecca laughed beside me as she took her final turn on our hole and headed to join the guys at the next hole.

That was insanely hot for some strange reason. Cole had texted me.

It was nowhere near as good as yours. I replied as I looked over at the guys.

Zane was frozen where I had left him with a shocked expression on his face and an obvious bulge in his tight jeans. Cole put his hand on Zane's shoulder and said something to him as they both looked at me. Eli, who was standing behind Zane, laughed at whatever it was Cole had said as he turned to finish his turn on the last hole. Seeing the three of them together I realized Thea was right about one thing: we did have hot friends.

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