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17 years ago...


"Marko? Do you see anything?'
Marko scans the area. "Nothing yet, but I smell them. They gotta be nearby." He jumps down from the tree, running to his bike and starting it.

I rev the engine of my bike, motioning the others to follow.
Late night drive in Santa Carla, it usually doesn't take us this long to find our dinners. But tonight, for some reason, we haven't seen a single strangler yet.

But hopefully, Marko's sense of smell can get us out of here before the sun comes up

We drive under the trees, through the thick fog until we emerge into a clearing. The scent is getting stronger...this must be the place.
My stomach grumbles the closer we get.

Ahead, I see a car with the lights turned on in the inside of the vehicle.
But outside...

I jump off and run up the tree that overlooks everything.
Marko, Paul, and Dwayne follow behind. "What do you see?" Dwayne asks, coming beside me on the branch.

I chuckle under my breath. "Dinner," I lick my lips, my stomach grumbling louder and chest aching.

There's only two of them, a man and woman, enjoying beers in front of a bonfire.
They look young...early 20s mostly likely. Young enough to take.

"David, there's four of us," Paul points out.
"Don't worry, we'll find more." I smile wickedly, shaping into my vampire form. My eyes change to catlike, and I have two fangs sticking out of my mouth.

Our little secret...we are vampires.

I look at the others who have changed as well, and instantly we fly out of the tree.
Dwayne rushes to the man and strikes, leaving me with the screaming woman.

She stood up instantly and ran to the car, but before she could open the door I grab her, aggressively flipping her around so that her neck is exposed.
"No! Please don't hurt her!" She cries, but soon it turns to screaming as I sink my teeth into her neck and drink.

It doesn't take too long, just a minute, before everything goes quiet and they are dead.

Dwayne's finished off her husband, leaving behind his lifeless body and coming to me.
I drop the woman's body, returning back to my human form, the blood staining my chin and lips.

"Not very filling," Dwayne points out as I wipe my mouth.
"At least you got to eat!" Paul shouts, pushing him in the chest before it turns into a full wrestling match between Dwayne, Paul, and Marko.

They all fall to the ground, reaching over each other to pull at hair, clothing, whatever they can grab.
Ugh...such children.

I roll my eyes, about to tell them to stop and let's go, but something sharp cuts through the air.
It sounds like...crying.

I listen closely. It doesn't sound like an's too high pitched. It sounds more like...
A baby?

It's hard to hear over these idiots, though.
I turn towards them. "Hey shut up!" I curse at my boys, which makes them stop instantly.

It takes three seconds for them to hear what I do.
"What's that?" Marko asks coming to my side. From the sound of it, it's coming from inside the car.

Slowly, I open the door.
In a basket, I see a bundle of blue blankets moving.

Hesitantly, I move the blanket aside, only to reveal a red faced, screaming, diapered baby.

Oh shit...

I look at the guys, then back at the baby. Then back at the guys...and then at the baby.
This is bad...

The Lost Boys Daughter ✓ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now