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"What do you mean, that child was me?" I ask, feeling shaky on the inside.
David sighs, taking my hand. "This is something we should discuss in front of the others."
He leads me out of my room and into the center of the cave.

The three guys were sitting on the fountain, but when they saw us, they stood up instantly, smiles on there faces.
"Hey! How..." Marko trails off, looking at David and me. "Are you two okay?"
David motions me to take a seat on a chair, so I do.

David leans against the fountain, and its silent.

"So?" I ask, hands in between my legs. "Are you going to tell me now?"
"Tell her what, David?" Paul asks. David gives him a look, and Paul's eyes widen.
"She knows, doesn't she?"

"Know what?!" I shout impatiently, "why won't you tell me already?!"
They all stare at me, like I'm some kicked puppy whose tail is between my legs.

David exhales. "You know that vampires kill humans to survive. Well, 17 years ago, we made a horrible mistake."
He pauses, swallowing. "We killed your parents."

I can't breathe.

I look at ground, feeling the pounding of my heart in my head.
"No, you told me I was abandoned. THAT WAS WHAT YOU SAID!" I scream, grabbing my head and squeezing.
David keeps composed, but I can tell that on the inside, he's breaking.

"We didn't know, Cerise," Dwayne says, "it was an accident."
Marko comes up to put a hand on me.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I shout, pushing him away as I stand up. "How could you?!"
"It was an accident..." David whispers, "we're so sorry."

"All this time you lied to me..." I trail off, looking at them all in disgust, "and you thought it was okay!"
Paul glances at David, whose head is down.

"Why did you take me?" I ask, meeting there eyes. "Why didn't you just kill me too?!"

"Cerise," Dwayne says, firmness in his voice, "we aren't like that."
David exhales. "We knew that we couldn't leave you. You were just a we took you here to give you a chance at life."

"I SHOULD BE DEAD!" I screech, throwing a book at David. It hits him in the shoulder, but he doesn't fight back, he takes everything I throw. Words and all.
"I could've been with a real family! With parents who loved me! Not some stranger in a vampire world!" You took that away from me!"

"But we love you Cerise," Paul says softly, "we're your family."
I'm so blinded by hatred and rage that I don't see the pain in there faces, their wide eyes and soft words...

"No...your not. Your monsters. Monsters that shouldn't exist." I turn and begin to walk to the exit.
"Reese-" Paul grazes my shoulder.
"Get the fuck away from me!" I swing his arm off me. "I hate you! I hate all of you!"
I run out of the cave, not looking back.

"Cerise!" Dwayne starts to run after, but David stops him, arm across his chest.
"Let her go...she needs to be alone."
Though nobody can see it, because David's mask is so thick, David's heart was just shattered.

He walks away from them all, and when he's alone, he slams himself on a chair and cries.
His daughter...a girl he has grown to love, and gave years too, just screamed that she hated him.
He only wanted to protect her, he only wanted to make her happy.
But his secret just cost him his bond with Cerise.



I couldn't stand being around them, around there. I drove my bike to the beach in front of the boardwalk.
I took my shoes off to let my feet soak, and while I sit, I bury my head in my knees, crying.

I haven't stopped crying honestly. 17 years of my life, a complete lie. And it took less then ten minutes to find out.

The four guys I looked up to, I loved, turned out to be the ones who killed my parents.
My parents were probably good people, excited that they were a family. They probably had so many dreams, so many visions and plans.

And it was all taken away by the actions of the ones who raised me.

I cry for hours, until my head hurts so bad that I groan, until my eyes are so bloodshot you can't see the white.

I wipe at my face aggressively.

"Looks like she knows," a voice says, coming towards me. "I knew you were that missing baby."


I look to see Alan and Edgar just a few feet away.
Alan's eyes widen when he sees that I'm a complete mess, but Edgar only smiles, a sick grin that makes me want to punch it off him.

"Go away," I croak. I'm still mad at them for how they treated me earlier. If I had never met up with them... I'd still be living the lie...
I don't know what's better or worse.

"We can go get revenge," Edgar says, coming close until he's near my face. "Just tell us where they are."
"No," I whisper, clenching a fist.

"Even after what you know?! They killed your family Cerise! There heartless, flesh eating, shit-sucking vampires!" Edgar shouts.

I lose all composer.

"Fuck you!" I get up and begin to wrestle him. "You don't know anything about them!"
A few memories flash before my eyes. Of Paul dancing with me to rock music, of Marko and me feeding the pigeons, of Dwayne reading me a story while I cuddled close, and of David pushing me around on the wheelchair, one protective hand over my chest.

I punch Edgar, over and over...until I begin to see red.

"Cerise!" Alan pulls me off his brother, "that's enough!"
I'm yanked away, breathing heavily. I almost turn to attack the one who stopped me, but I see Alan's eyes. There wide, and full of fear.

"Please, just stop," he whispers softly, staring at me, pleading me with his eyes.

Every ounce of anger leaves instantly, and my body goes weak.

Edgar gets back up, spitting out some blood. "You can't protect them forever Cerise. Come on Alan, let's go."
"No," he says firmly, hands still holding me. "I'm not leaving her."

"Fine, but it's your funeral," Edgar walks away, leaving me and Alan alone.
I sit on the sand.
"Are you okay?" Alan sits beside me.

I shake my head. "No," I begin to cry again, "I just found out that my whole life was a lie."
I bury my face in my knees again, and Alan puts a hand on my back.
"It's okay."
"No it's not!" I look back up. "I can never look at those four the same way ever again They murdered my parents!"

Alan sighs. "I know," he whispers softly. There's not much he can do or say to help me feel better, so instead he asks, "what are you going to do now Cerise?"


What can I do? I can't live with them now, knowing everything, but I can't run away, I'm to scared to.

"I don't know," I whisper, leaning into Alan's side. "I'm scared."
"I'm sorry, Cerise," he whispers, his hand moving to my shoulder. His hand is comforting on my shoulder...I don't want to lose this feeling...

"Can you stay? Just for a few minutes more?" It's a stupid thing to ask, but I don't want to be alone...not right now.
"I'll stay as long as you like," he says, before giving me a kiss on my forehead. "Your my best friend."
He runs a hand up and down my arm comfortingly, and we sit there, watching the sunrise shine the ocean a golden color.

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