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I wake up, slowly.
For a moment, I believe that nothing happened. I get up, and I'm on my way to greet Cerise good night, but halfway there I remember everything.

I have to try and respect her request. I can't treat her like she's my daughter now...I'll just have to treat her like she's just a girl living here.

Something that will be a hard adjustment to me, and my brothers...

I walk to her room and knock softly. "You awake?"

No answer.
I knock again. "Cerise?"
Still nothing.

I begin to believe that she's purposely not responding, that she's still angry and hurt.
A side of me wants to walk away, but the other is telling me to go inside.

I open her door. Her beds been made, and the drawers that had all her clothes are open and empty.
There's a note on her pillow, so I pick it up and read it.

To whoever may find this letter first.
By the time you read this, I'm gone.
I realized last night that I can't stay here anymore.
Its not right, and it isn't fair. To you or me.
Even though I hate what you did, I thank you all for deciding to take care
of me. But you don't need to do that anymore.
I'm older, and wiser, and ready to live on my own.
Don't worry. I'll keep your secret.
Tell the others I said goodbye.


My hands begin to shake. She's gone...

I run out to the others. "Cerise ran away."
There eyes widen. "We have to find her!" Paul says, "it's to dangerous out there for her!"
Marko nods. "Let's hang posters up, maybe someone has seen her!"
He runs to start making posters.
Paul runs after, to go help him, but Dwayne stays with me.

"The Surf Nazis are out there," he points out.
My fists clench. If they find Cerise, they'll hurt her. Possibly even kill her. They know that she's our daughter, and if they get there hands on her...
"Get the bikes. We're going on a search."


We flew down the road, scanning the area for Cerise.
We searched for two hours, but no luck.
Now, we're on the boardwalk, hanging up MISSING posters with Cerises picture glued on the front.

Marko runs up to every person he sees, holding the poster in front of there faces.
"Have you seen this girl? 5'3, brownish blond hair, brown eyes?"

Everyone shakes there heads.

"Shit!" I curse, kicking the trash can next to me. "Cerise could be anywhere by now!"
"We have to keep trying!" Paul says, before his eyes stare dead ahead. "Look!"
I do, and what I see makes my fangs explode.

The Frog Brothers.

Alan's standing next to his brother Edgar, who appears to have a bandage on his nose.
"You!" I shout, pointing at them.

There heads turn instantly, right when they see me, there eyes widen. "Oh shit!" They start to run, but I'm hot on there tails.
"Don't let them get away!" I shout.

Marko runs ahead of me, faster then I've ever seen him run. He grabs them both by there shirts, dragging them to the shadowed part of the boardwalk where no one can see us.

Dwayne and Marko slam the boys against the wall, holding them still as they squirm.
I approach them. "Where's Cerise?"
"We don't answer to vampires," Edgar snarks.

Oh...such a wrong time to test me boy.

I shape into my vampire form and snarl at them.
They scream, shutting there eyes and clutching onto each other like wimps.

"Do you want to die?! Tell us where Cerise is!" I shout. I'll do it, I'll kill them both right here, right now if they don't tell us what happened to Cerise.

They keep screaming.

I snap my fingers.

Paul laughs, shaping into his vampire form and going for the neck. Slowly, to scare them even more.
"WE DON'T KNOW WHERE SHE IS! WE DON'T KNOW!" Edgar cries, still holding onto his brother.
I tell Paul to stop, and he goes back to his human form, a little disappointed.

"Why did you tell her?" I ask, crossing my arms.
"T-tell her what?" Edgar sniffles.
"About her past!" I shout, which makes them flinch. "Do you know what you've done to her?!"
"We didn't know that she was the baby!" Edgar cries, "we only told her to scare her into telling us where you guys live!"

Oh those little...

I grab his shoulder. "You bastard!" I shape into my vampire form, ready to strike his neck.
Marko pushes me away. "Don't! We need to focus on Cerise!"


I go back to my human form, sighing. "Did Cerise come to you? Did she say anything?" I ask.

Alan let's go of Edgar. "We found her on the beach yesterday. That was the last time we saw..." He trails off, realization sinking in, "what's going on?"
"She ran away from home," Dwayne answers.
Alan's eyes widen. "What?! We have to find her!"

"Well that's what we're trying to do," I roll my eyes. "Let them go, you're a waste of time."
They're let go, but before I let Edgar pass, I put my hand on his shoulder.
"You say a word about this to anyone, and your face will be on a Missing Child poster. Got it?"

He nods aggressively, and I let him go. He takes off running, but Alan stays.
"Why are you still here?" I ask annoyed at this little shit.
"I want to look for her," he says.
"No way, you'd only slow us down."
"I don't care! Cerise is missing! I need to look for her..." He shouts, his eyes are flaming with rage, and reality hits.
He was always the better friend. The type of friend who'd give Cerise anything and everything, who'd always cheer her on, always by her side.

"Oh...," I whisper, "you're in love with her, aren't you?"
His eyes widen, and his cheeks turn pink. "No! We're just...friends."
Marko chuckles. "Yep, he's in love."
Alan glares at Marko.
"Look, you can't come with us. But you can help by keeping an eye out on the boardwalk. Listen to people's conversations, maybe her name will pop up."

I motion the guys to follow, leaving behind Alan.
We go back to our bikes.

"We have to find her..."
"I know," I look up at the sky, "shit it's nearly sunrise."
Paul swears. "The more time we waste, the farther away she gets."
"We have to go, Paul," I start my bike and we drive for the cave.
In my head, I silently pray. Yeah, I know I'm a vampire, but this is all I have left.
Please, if there really is a god, please protect Cerise. Please help us find her.

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