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Four year old Cerise...


I hold onto Cerise's legs as she sits on my back, eating a chocolate ice cream cone.
She has it all over her face, and it's absolutely adorable.

Paul hands me a napkin, and I hand it to her.
She wipes her face, and gives it back so we can throw it in the trash.
"Looks like she's having a good time," Marko giggles, walking beside us with a stuffed animal under his arm.

The guys and I are at the Santa Carla boardwalk. We thought it'd be a good idea to take her out of the cave for a while and let her be a kid.
So far, she's having a great time.

We've won her three stuffed animals, got her an ice cream, gone on most of the rides, and she's already made playmates with two little boys that are her age.
Now, we're walking down the path on our way home.

"Okay, daddy's neck is starting to hurt," I set her down, holding a hand over my neck.
Dwayne holds her hand.

"Aw what an adorable baby!" A woman compliments, stopping her walk to talk with us.
Most people who see us refuse to speak, and honestly, we like not having attention.

This is gonna be something we're gonna have to get used to.

"Thank you," I say, respectfully, but annoyed.
The woman kneels down in front of Cerise. "What's your name?"

"Her name is Cerise," Marko says, holding a protective hand on Cerise's shoulder.
The woman is totally oblivious.

"That's a wonderful name, such beauty behind it."
"Mh-hm," I mumble, hoping that this chick will read the signs and leave.

Cerise stops licking her ice cream and points at me. "My daddy's a vampire."

Oh shit...

Markos eyes widen, Paul's jaw lowers a little, and Dwayne squeezes her hand.
"Oh ha ha ha," I pick Cerise up. "You funny little girl. Just yesterday she thought we were fairies, now we're vampires!" I laugh, looking at the woman, whose eyebrows are raised.
"The imagination of kids, huh?"

"Yeah... especially when you let them watch TV 24/7," Paul says, trying to help, or being a total ass.
I kick him in the shin.

The woman smiles. "Oh I completely understand. My son does the same," she giggles, waving goodbye. "Have a good night!"
Soon, she's gone, and I exhale, relieved.

"That was a close one," Dwayne points out.
Too close honestly.

I look at her. We told Cerise that we're vampires a couple of weeks ago...this is her first time saying something about it.
"Now," I walk back to my bike. "We need to have a talk little lady..."


Five year old Cerise...


I dump out a shoe box full of patches on my bed. I feel like my jacket is lacking something...

I go through all of them when Cerise walks through the doorway, pajamas on and stuffed animal in hand.

"Ah," I look up at her, "sleep well?"
She nods, walking to the side of my bed. "Whatcha doing Momma Marko?"

I furrow my brow. "Where did you get a name like- oh...," I trail off, "Paul."
Of course it was him. He probably whispered it in her ear, asking her to call me that.
The asshole.

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