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We got Marko home and laid him down on his bed. The bullet was still inside, so David, Dwayne, and Paul had to...get it out.

I held Marko's hand while he screamed and growled in pain. It definitely wasn't easy, being a vampire, he's much stronger then me.

A couple of times, he squeezed so hard I felt a slight pop in my knuckles.
But thankfully, he didn't break my hand too terribly.

When the bullet was out, I helped stich the wound. Vampire or not, it needed to be stitched.
Then, I wrapped him in white ripped sheets, the only bandage we had, and I stayed by his side.

He fell asleep soon, clutching my hand. And now, I leave his room to let him rest.
Just like he was there for me all those years...I was there for him.

I go to my room to change out of my blood stained clothes. Then, I wash my hair and face in the wash bin that the guys got for me.

It feels amazing getting all the dirt off, after days of leaving it caked on my face. It was slowly starting to become a part of me.

After that was all done, I join the other three.
They're all gathered around the broken fountain. Paul sits on the edge, Dwayne leans against it, arms crossed. And David sits in his chair.

"Hi," Paul says as he watches me sit down.
"Marko's asleep," I reply, running a hand through my damp hair. I was so scared that he would die earlier... I'm so glad that he'll be okay.

I'm glad that we're all okay.

Dwayne smiles at me, and I smile back.
It feels a bit awkward being around them...but I'm trying to work through it.

Because I love them...and they love me.

Paul wraps his arm around me in a hugging kind of way. "I'm glad your safe," he says.
Dwayne agrees, and so does David.
I smile at all of them again.

Dwayne stands up. "I'm gonna go get ready for bed," he gives me a pat on my shoulder, leaving with Paul.

Now, it's only me and David.

I look down at the ground, ashamed to look into his eyes.
He smiles softly. "I'm so glad your here, Cerise."
"Me too," I raise my head to meet his, "David-"

"You don't have to say anything, lamb," he smiles, "I already know."
Amazing, just how easy he can read me...

Just like a father.

I get up and run into his arms, hugging him tightly.
"I'm sorry for running away. For scaring you."

"It's okay. You're here now... that's what matters."
I pull away to look into his eyes.
I remember all those hurtful things I said to them all before I left...
It breaks my heart.

All they've ever done was try to give me a good life, to protect me from the dangers of the world.
And I screamed I hated them. When all they've done was love me...

I begin to cry.

David hugs me again. "Shh, your alright."
"I'm sorry about everything I said, David. I don't hate you guys, I love you all."

He smiles, brushing a lock of hair away from my eyes. "I don't expect you to ever forgive us for what we did 17 years ago. But I want you to know something. When you came into our lives, you made everything seem so bright. You showed us what love was, taught us what true happiness was. You became the most important thing in our unlocked a part of us that we never knew existed. And it was all because of you Cerise."

He kisses my forehead. "I will always be your father, Cerise. We all will be there for, and forever."
I hug him again, sniffling.

"Did I miss the warm family reunion?" Marko asks, standing in the doorway, hand on his wound.
Dwayne and Paul come back, and they all smile.

I open my arms, and they all come, joining into a group hug.
I love these guys so much...running away made me realize that.
These four vampires will always have a place in my heart.

They are my true family.

How could I have been so blind?

When we break away from the hug, Paul runs over to his speaker and blasts our favorite rock music.

I laugh softly, dancing slightly with them as David stands in the corner.

I couldn't hear him say it, due to how loud the music was, but behind me, David smiles...

"She's home," he whispers, "she's finally home."

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