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One year later...


"Hey hey hey! Birthday girl!" Paul and Marko jump out of the corner of the cave, throwing graffiti in my face as I walk out of my bedroom. "Happy 18!"

I laugh, blowing a piece of graffiti away from my mouth.
"Aw, you guys!" I hug them all. "Thank you."

"Don't thank us yet, you haven't even seen your cake. It's HUGE!"
Paul runs excitedly away, and I throw my arm across Marko's shoulder, walking to the broken fountain where a pile of presents are laid out, and a triple layered strawberry vanilla cake stands.

My eyes widen.

"Ta-da!" Paul says, party hat on.
Dwayne blows on a whistle, laughing, and David is smiling, wearing a pink party hat as well. 

My heart explodes.

"Guys, you did so much," I look around the cave, at all the balloons hanging off the wall, the party streamers shining from the cave light, and the stereo playing my favorite songs.

All for me...

"Come on! Open your gifts! Let's party!"
Paul pulls me to an empty seat, sitting me down, putting a party hat on my head, and loading me up with gifts.


When all the presents are open, and a few slices of cake are eaten, I let my stomach stick out.
"Jeez...I'm stuffed."

"Same," Marko groans, "I ate too much."
"You ate six slices of cake. That's more then just 'too much'," Paul says, which makes all of us laugh. It feels like this year just flew seems only yesterday I was 17, sitting with the guys after that night we had with the Surf Nazis.

I try to block the thoughts.
It's over now...and we're all okay.

We're one big happy family.
Sitting with a TON of cash, too.

I smile at all of them, before I notice David's eyes change.
He motions for Marko to come over, and then he whispers in his ear.
"Dad? What's up?" I ask, watching Marko walk away.

David looks at me. "We have one last gift for you, Cerise."
Marko comes into view, holding a bottle full of red liquid.
He hands it to me to hold, and I examine it. I've never seen this before...

"What is it? Wine?" I ask before giggling. Is this some celebration toast?

David shakes his head. "'s blood."

My smile fades away.

"This is a gift you can refuse or accept. But once you take a drink from that bottle, you'll become one of us," he continues.

I look up at the four of them.
This drink...will turn me into a vampire?
I sit silently for a moment, which gives David an opportunity to speak.

"You'll never grow old, Cerise, and you'll never die. You'll be with us forever."
I look back at the bottle. An immortal life, in this cave, hiding in the dark and drinking humans?

But, it means I'll be with my family forever.

A gift with both cons and pluses.

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