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I force myself on my feet tonight after a horrible day time sleep...
that kids cry could wake up all of Santa Carla.
I drag myself out of my room, slamming myself on my wheelchair in front of Marko.

He holds the baby, feeding her some milk from a bottle. Well, from something he tried to make into a bottle.

"Jesus...that little brat kept me up all day," I grumble, "why are babies so annoying?"
Marko shrugs. "It's just there nature I guess. Here," he hands her to me. "Can you watch her for me?"
"What?! Why me?" I snark. Because seriously? This is the last thing I need right now.

"Your the only one up right now," he gets up, grabbing his jacket. "I gotta get some more supplies."
"Like what?" I ask. Why is that so important right now? Couldn't it wait until the others wake up so we could give her to them?

"Like milk and diapers." Marko grabs some cash in our tin can, "don't wait up for me."
And just like that. He's gone like the wind.
Leaving me alone...with her.
This is gonna be awkward.

I look at her. She's staring up at me, eyes wide, before suddenly she reaches out and coos.
"Sorry, but the cute stuff doesn't work on me." I point out, before suddenly her hand wraps around my finger.

My eyes widen.
Her little's so soft. So clean.
Her eyes are bright brown, and they seem to sparkle. Or is it the cave light?
Hard to tell...but it's definitely got me in a trance.

I stare for longer then I should, holding this little life in my arms.
Her whole existence depends on us now...and it's scary as all hell.
How will we do?

I grin, just a tad. "So, looks like your kind of stuck with us now. Hope you don't mind vampires," I laugh a little, but her smile fades away instantly.
Wow, did she just understand me?

Paul walks in. His hair a total mess and his jaw half open jaw.
Or maybe it was him. With the way he looks, he can scare a dead person awake.
"Jeez...I'm practically starving, and yesterday's sleep was awful," he groans, running his hands aggressively down his face to wake him up.

Dwayne comes in a moment later, looking cleaner then Paul. "Where's Marko?"
"Getting some more supplies," I answer, not taking my eyes off her.

Paul chuckles under his breath. "Guess we should call him Momma Marko now. David? Hey, David?"
He snaps his fingers in front of my eyes, which breaks my focus on the baby
"Huh?" I look at them. "What's up?"

Paul raises an eyebrow. "You keep staring at her."
"Oh," I shake my head, realization sinking in. "Still in shock honestly." I keep the facts to myself. I don't want them to know that just know I felt...well, something different.
Dwayne grunts a little.

"Let me hold her," Paul reaches out, and I pass her to him.
He holds her against his chest. "Hey there twerp," he smiles, before crying out in pain because she grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled.
Me and Dwayne laugh.

"Take her back!" He passes her to Dwayne, and he sways her side to side.
"She's a cutie, hi little girl," he whispers, touching her chin. She coos some more.
Yeah, she is, I almost say, but I bite my tongue. That and Marko just came back.

"Guys! I'm back!" Marko comes into view, holding two grocery bags full of baby supplies. "How is she?"
"She's fine," I reply, standing up and walking away, leaving them to handle everything.

Dwayne passes her to Marko, and Marko grins. "You know, it dawned on me. Since she is a new member to the family, she's gotta have a name."
"Your right," Dwayne says, "any ideas?"
"I was thinking maybe Sally?" Marko says, setting her down in her basket.
Paul shakes his head.
"Okay, how about Claire?"
"Still a no," Dwayne says. "How about Marie?"
"There's a ton of Marie's," Paul points out, "what if we named her Roxanne?"
"No," Marko says. "It doesn't suit her."

The three struggle between all sorts of names, but finally I give them one.
"It's Cerise."
All there heads turn to me. "What did you say?"
I take a breath in. "Let's call her Cerise."
I don't know why I say it, it's just...for some reason, the name pops every time in my head as I look at her.

There eyes widen a little, but Marko gets excited. "That's a perfect name! What do you think Cerise?"
She coos loudly, waving her arms around.
I laugh under my breath softly.

"Looks like she likes it!"
I walk to them. "She's gotta have an education. It's not like we can put her in school."
"Well, we were all human once." Dwayne stands up, "we've done school."
"A long time ago we did," I point out. I sigh. "Does anyone remember what they've learned?"

The room falls quiet for a moment.

Marko raises a hand. "I remember a little math, but I can definitely teach her the ABC's."
"Anyone can teach her ABC's," Dwayne says, "I remember math very well. I'll teach her that."
"I know math too!" Paul says in a temper tantrum way.
"Oh yeah, what's 9+10?"
Paul laughs. "Ha! Easy, it's 21."

I don't know what's funnier, that his answer is wrong, or that he said it with such confidence.
We're all laughing our asses off, which infuriates Paul.
"You're stupid," Marko says while wiping his eyes. And that's when Paul chases after Marko around the cave.


It's getting near sunrise, and while the other guys are getting ready for bed, I'm sitting with Cerise, staring at her.
Can't seem to stop doing it honestly...she's put me under a spell.
She gives me this feeling...I don't know if I can explain honestly.

I know yesterday I was a complete douchebag, but when Marko gave her to me earlier, I began to feel something...
Something I don't think I've ever felt before.

I pick her up. "Hey," I whisper, running a hand down the little tuff of hair on her head.
"You don't know what's going on, but I hope that when you do begin to understand, that you'll be happy here. But maybe I can help you get to know us better. You already know Marko, he's the curly haired blond whose been feeding you lately. And you've met Paul, by the way, great job tugging at his hair."
I laugh softly. "You've met Dwayne, but briefly. He's a quiet guy, but he's really nice."

I touch her chin gently. "There's more you should know...but, you need to be a little older to understand properly."

Is this dumb, talking to this baby like she can understand everything I'm saying?
Maybe, but I keep doing it.
"Life is going to be different for may be hard and confusing sometimes. But you'll never be alone, you'll have Paul, Dwayne, Marko. And me."

I kiss her forehead softly. "Welcome to the Lost Boys, Cerise."
When I put her back in bed, I approach the guys. Telling them that we must never tell her about what we did to her parents.

It's better off that she doesn't'll give her a happier and better life.
I make a vow with the boys before we head to bed.
We vow to keep her safe. From every threat that lingers, from pain, from sadness... We vow to always be there when she cries or needs a friend.
We vow to raise her, like the daughter that she is.
Our little Lost Girl...

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