Chapter 27: The Mission is Complete

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Yesterday, after Enzo left, I drank the tea and fell asleep. Then I woke up 3 hours later, and I couldn't fall back asleep. It was like 5PM anyway, so I did what I've always done when I can't sleep, which is work all night until the crack of dawn.

I admired my dad; he made it seem so easy to run the organization. I have to take care of all of our legal business, and yes, I have the boys help, which is why they administrate each business, but I am the CEO; they report to me, and I am the one that has the last word in every decision. And to be honest, that is exhausting.

After I was done with the work for the legal business, I started working on the plan to bring down the Morozov Clan. After hours of analyzing all of the stats and the data, I came up with one solution. I need to play their own game, and I need to put an informer in their organization.

The only question is, Who can that be? The Morozov's will never hire someone who isn't Russian. I need to think this through very carefully before making a final decision.

As I walked into the meeting room at the headquarters, I noticed that everyone was already there, waiting for me. As always, I walked to the head chair.

"Does anyone have something to confess?" I put my hands together, looking at each one of them.

They noticed my bandaged hand, and they stared at each other in question.

"Lea, I investigated and did my search before handing you the blueprints of the mission. I honestly don't know what went wrong." Luca is the first to speak after a long time of silence.

"Did I ask for an excuse?" I tilted my head at him. They all became tense at my attitude.

If they hadn't noticed before, now they know that I am in a bad mood. And when I am in this mood, they know that if they say something wrong, they will get a snarky remark from me.

"What is it that the Morozov's offer that I don't?" I threw the gasoline on the flames, and damn, did it catch fire.

"Lea..." Damiano says in a warning tone.

"How can you question us?!" Francesco asked in disbelief.

"Seriously, Lea?!" Luca looked offended.

"So, you come in here, give us no warning about the mission, tell us the details a few minutes before said mission, and now you say we are the ones that betrayed you?!" Niccolo said defensively.

"Exactly, you threw us in the lion's den without a warning; we followed you blindly, and now you are questioning us?!" Francesco backs Niccolo's statement.

"For real, Lea. We even made the plan together." Luca says.

"Guys, come on! Lea didn't mean it like that." Max interfere.

"I actually did." I say almost immediately.

Max chose to ignore my comment and continued, "And you know Lea wouldn't get us killed; if anything, that mission was the easiest one we have done."

"Wouldn't she?! How can you be so sure? The plan wasn't well executed." Niccolo says this in a haughty tone, standing up from his seat.

"Luca also made it! How can you not be blaming him as well?" Max was getting agitated with each passing second, and that made him stand up, too.

"Luca was by my side the whole time! And where was Lea? Mhm?! Giving us orders and hiding while we did her dirty work!" Niccolo was also getting agitated by the argument.

"And what were you doing? Blowing her cover for the Morozov's! May I remind you who was the one who didn't use her code name on the mission?! When that is the first rule we all have to follow!" Max retorted.

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