Chapter 1

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No one knows what was the cause of the Protector's death.

The people of the past would say that one day he was smiling, joyful, chaotic, playful, and happy to protect the Au’s he had sworn to protect.

The next, he was dead.

The monsters held a big funeral. They had invited (most) residents of the Au’s to attend, and many came.

Two twin brothers had visited the funeral, at only the age of six.

The protector would come to visit them whenever he was free. He would help them through their struggles, not saying anything to the other under their requests.

They were devastated when they learned why he hadn’t visited them.

At the funeral, the positive brother was weak, he couldn’t handle the negativity like his brother.

Under all the tears and lowered heads, no one saw.

No one saw the movement of the black liquid in the coffin.


Years after his death, people were starting to forget.

The creation of new au’s was still common, but now they were less creative.

They also had to worry about the two new foes came upon the multiverse.

One brought destruction wherever he went. Using his blue strings to rip the lives of others, some figuratively and others more literally.  All for his satisfaction and hatred of the Au’s.

His name was Error.

The other forced negativity onto the Au’s. His presence in your Au was enough. He looked to gain more power and had recently formed a group that would help him do it. He liked the fear he brought.

His name was Nightmare.

However, a small blessing was that they hated each other.
Nightmare gained power with negativity from the Au’s. Therefore, he needed them to exist.

Error hated the Au’s. He didn’t care what they were about, he wanted them gone.

However, this also meant they fought often, which some would argue caused more destruction and fear.

With two new enemies, came two new protectors:

The Guardian of positivity and the Sans from Underswap.

While they struggled to fight Nightmare and Error, they were able to win often.

After the threats were gone, they checked on the residents. Making sure they got what they needed, even if they were tired.

They brought a new hope into the multiverse.


Some creators still tried to summon him.

Most deemed it useless.

They mostly accepted the fact that he was gone.

After his death, some created to cope with his death. Give him a reason to come back.

But no matter how much they tried, he wouldn’t.

He couldn’t.

Could he?

He would.

Thought To Be Dead-An Ink!Sans FanficWhere stories live. Discover now