Chapter 6

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As soon as Blue rushed into the battle he had to dodge from the various bone attacks. He summoned some bones to help him defend.

Once he spotted Dream, he rushed to his side.

He was moving his eye lights around, analyzing his surroundings, when he saw a familiar glow.

Two eyes, a purple square and a red crosshair, were spotted behind a bush. They were moving quickly back and forth. The others, even Dream and Nightmare, seemed oblivious to them. Shouldn’t they be able to sense the aura? It was clear that, despite not feeling Ink’s, Dream could feel Blue’s aura and turned to him.

“Is everything all right Blue?”, Dream made sure to lower his voice. He didn’t want the enemies to take advantage of the situation. In the same hushed voice he responded:

“Ink is here…”



Dream looked over to where Blue directed him to. And sure enough, two eye lights were staring. He knew it was Ink, even as a child, he could never sense his aura. He wasn’t even sure Ink could feel his.

Nightmare seemed to notice the change, especially their aura’s. His underlings noticed their change in behavior and started taunting them.

“Aw, you scared of another battle?” Killer asked in a sing-song voice, the others snickering in response.

However, they were still focused on the problem at hand. Perhaps Ink would stay unnoticed? Hopefully, they would be too focused in battle and not notice him. They should start, they’ve been here for too long.

Dream wanted the battle to end as soon as possible. So, unlike the other battles, he wordlessly took out his bow and an arrow and aimed. Blue got into position as well, sweat clear as day. He knew it wasn’t because of the oncoming battle rather, it was his worry for Ink.

It was best to finish this battle soon.

Nightmare’s tentacle struck first, and he started to shoot his arrows. Blue moved to go against the others. And the remaining bad guys grinned, ready for battle.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ink moving. As he moved, Dream froze. Using this to his advantage, Nightmare smacked him against a nearby tree with his tentacle.

“What are you looking at that has you this distracted? Can’t you see that I’m your enemy? You should be paying attention to me!” Nightmare announced. He turned his head to look at where he was looking. At the same time, Dream hit him with another arrow.

“You should listen to your own advice…” Dream spoke in a hushed tone. He was relieved he was able to distract Nightmare from noticing.

Nightmare growled, “How dare you!” he screeched. Dream would usually feel guilt, but right now he wanted to keep Ink safe. He had no idea how Nightmare would react after all.

Nightmare was about to attack again when he was struck in the face. It didn’t weaken him or anything, but it made him pause. It looked like red…paint? He knew where that came from.

Suddenly, Nightmare started screeching in pain. The red paint started to sizzle, it was burning him! The other members of his group noticed this and rushed over.

“Boss! What happened!?” They all yelled in unison.

Blue stood frozen at the sight.

After a few(excruciating) minutes, Nightmare got the paint out of his eyesocket. He glared at them in hatred.

“What are you standing around for! Get them!” Nightmare yelled at his group. Dream stiffened. However, as soon as they moved to attack they were also hit with paint. Instead of the burning, the paint thrown at them turned into heavy chains. They quickly collapsed at the unexpected weight.

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