Chapter 2

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When Nightmare started to terrorize the Au’s, the Creators hid Ink’s grave under the disguise of a positive Au.

They hoped that if a positive Au hid the grave, it would be safe. 

That worked for quite some time, until Nightmare got recruits. 

He would send them to cause chaos and come after the residents' fear.

This was the case here.


“Nightmare! Leave this universe alone!”

A skeleton with a yellow outfit and a positive aura shouted. His companion stood in a fighting stance next to him. 

He held out his weapon and grabbed an arrow. 

“Well, If it isn’t my dear ‘brother’” 

A skeleton covered in a dark goop turned to face them.  His single visible eye sent a shiver down their spines.

The skeletons that worked for him paused and waited for his command. 

“Are you really foolish enough to believe that you can beat us?”

Dream just tightened his hold on his weapon. 

Nightmare chuckled.

“Of course you are…”

Nightmare moved his tentacles to attack.

Both sides just stared at each other, waiting for the other to attack. 


And it came in the form of Dust’s gaster blaster.


Blue was struggling.

He wanted to help Dream, but because he was with the Murder Time Trio he had no choice but to leave Nightmare to him. 

He dodged most attacks and even countered with his own. However, it was time-consuming 

He felt overwhelmed, but he kept trying. He wanted to help this universe to the best of his abilities. 

Suddenly, he heard: 

“Retreat, this battle isn’t worth my time.”

And just like that the battle was over. They had won. 

He moved towards Dream, putting a hand on his shoulder.

“Are you alright, Dream?” His friend in question was currently hunched over in exhaustion. Sweat was trailing down his skull. He seemed to have a few scratches here and there but otherwise was fine. 

“Yeah…I’m alright. Now c’mon, we have to help the residents.” Blue looked around and noticed the number of people and monsters alike injured and scared. 


Dream raised himself up and turned toward Blue. 

“Blue, I will stay here and try to heal them. You go and look for any others that may have evacuated.” Dream had a stern look on his face. Blue nodded and started to walk away in search of others.

He choose to look in the forest first as that would be a harder place to look in later, especially with all the fallen trees.

“Hello! Anybody there!?” He yelled to catch possible survivors’ attention. 

He stopped to listen for any response.



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