Chapter 7

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Author:Sorry for the shorter chapter, but I felt the need to write this and I want to write when I have the motivation to.

After getting Ink down(which was a struggle), Dream and Carrot were placed on the couch. Dream motioned Ink to sit on the empty space on his left without thought(since Carrot’s passed out body was taking the left of the couch).

Dream was taking in the fact that Ink defeated the bad sans’ easily. It relieved him, he was tired of the fighting, but how? It made sense the more he thought about it. Ink was the protector of Au’s after all.

That brought him back to a previous thought.

Was this Ink? The one he grew to look up to(and mourn)? It couldn’t be, right?

The Ink he remembered was less…chaotic?

Well, he certainly didn’t remember Ink creating a mess like this.

He looked next to him.

Ink had his arms over his chest, mimicking a pout(clearly upset that Blue told him to stay put). It also seemed he was a lot more childish.

“Ink…I wish to speak to you…” That got Ink’s attention.

“Huh? What’s up?” Ink asked with a small smile. That question broke it. He began to shake.

“Are you really Ink?” He blurted out. Ink just looked at him confused.

“What do you mean? Of course I am.” He responded, no hint of a lie in sight.

“Why were you dead for centuries then!? You were gone for so long! How do I know you aren't lying!? Do you realize how much I cried for you!”

Dream hated that. He hated how had let his emotions get the best of him, now Ink looks tense next to him.

He was so lost in thought, he didn’t even notice Blue walking in the room.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Blue.

“Dream, calm down…” Blue whispered. His voice was firm but comforting.

“I'm sorry…I let my emotions get the better of me.” He turned to Ink.


Ink had lost his eye lights. He was still and refused to move and inch. His face was devoid of emotion. 

What happened?

He reached out for Ink and pulled him into a hug.

Ink simply hugged back.

Blue decided to join and wrapped his arms around both of them.


They stayed like that until both Dream and Ink calmed down.

“You want to know what happened?” Ink suddenly spoke. Dream and Blue looked at him in shock then looked at each other.

“Only if you're ready” Replied both of them at the same time.

“Very well” Ink sounded a lot more his age than earlier, he was clearly serious.

“As you may know, I am the protector. I protect the timelines and stories. And as such I must follow that story to how it was created. Well, one story required me to have an 'accident', I don’t know why they involved me specifically. But I never question the Creators. I was never dead. I was injured. I would have regenerated in due time, and I did. However, when I woke up, I was not where I expected to be. I was in a tight space. I tried to reach out for Broomie, but Broomie wasn't there. Without Broomie I wouldn't be able to teleport, therefore I was stuck. It was terrible. I was so lonely. I tried to call for someone, anyone, who could help me. But help never came…”

“Then you came around…” Ink pointed to Blue. “And you helped me…thank you” Ink finished.


“What was I talking about?”

Thought To Be Dead-An Ink!Sans FanficWhere stories live. Discover now