XiX| Friendship goals

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"No, Lando, No."

"Esme, you're back!"

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"Esme, you're back!"

"Hi Mira!" Esme gave her friend a fist bump. "Gossip go."

Esme being back from Scotland was something Mira needed and when her friend showed up at her door, there was a sense of relief. She didn't have anyone to gossip to without her there.

"Uh...right...where to start...Loki has a new cat tree...which Lando brought for him because he ended up here because I had a panic attack...and then I told him that I loved him—"

"Mira slow the fuck down! I know most of this," Esme gasped. "In the time I've been gone, all your drama happens!"

"It happened because you weren't here," Mira admitted, running a hand through her hair. 

"What do you mean?" Esme frowned.

"Normally, I would have come to you if I was struggling but you weren't here...I didn't want to bother my brothers and being alone was just too much for me at that particular time," Mira rambled. "So Lando appeared at my door because I hadn't replied to anyone."

"When he asked if I had heard from you, I assume it was just because you were ignoring him and that he stayed over because of the whole lover thing," Esme gasped. "Oh my...are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just had a minor panic attack. Lando dealt with it really well and surprisingly like an adult."

Mira stroked Loki, who was sat on her lap, as Esme continued to pace the living room with a cup of tea in her hands. She liked to pace when hearing any sort of drama as it allowed her to come up with different solutions if needed.

"Okay and then you told you that you loved him...and he stayed the night you phoned me," Esme questioned and Mira nodded. "So then what? He went home."

"No. He stayed here until he left for the race."

"What?" Esme's eyes widened. "The entire time? Oh my God, did you—"

"No!" Mira laughed. "No. For your information, we didn't. What makes you think it would have been different from the last time you asked?"

"Last time I asked, it was one night but he was here for like...multiple nights!"

"And what about you?" Mira crossed her arms. "Your Scottish adventure."

"It didn't work out."

"I'm sorry, Esme," Mira frowned. "You or him?"

"Me. He's too...obnoxious. It was fine for the first few days but then on the last day, it all really came out. Turns out that he's quite the sexist." Esme groaned.

Mira huffed at this, annoyed that someone would be that way. She didn't understand why some people hated another's so much. She just believed that they were all human, why couldn't everyone just be nice?

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